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Member Since:Feb 24, 2013
10 MS Points
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Never ever go to Ganga Ram hospital!!
Reviewed Sir Ganga Ram Hospital - Rajinder Nagar - Delhi
Never ever let your dear ones go to Ganga Ram Hospital. The doctors dont care whether patient lives or not but will make sure that they make handsome mRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on saurabhdynamic's review
Commented on saurabhdynamic's review
You can check my reviews for that matter. It will give you deep insight of the hospital.
Commented on iamgulshan10's review
you should read reviews in mouthshut . Though your case seems to be like an emergency case, but if you have time , one can always check on this site, before deciding.
Rated on deepserp's review
Rated on jyotsana008singh's review
Commented on dany.peter's review
Dear Mr Dany, Very sorry to hear about the loss. However, i had recommended in the past through same review on site , not to go to this Hospital. Wished you should have seen it before.
Rated on dany.peter's review
Commented on sisterlovesu's review
Its really heartening and its all about money these day... otherwise how will they run their 07 star hotel.
Rated on sisterlovesu's review
Rated on puneetkumar59's review
Rated on kulwinder727's review
Rated on ansu45's review
Commented on ansu45's review
this is very true and with two families i have seen that their doc do mistakes and has been fatal
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