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Member Since:Oct 17, 2003
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Hey all netizens of MS, I am here to find out some useful informn & to contribute some of it as well... software, entrepreneurship, meditation, writing books, articles, reviews etc
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Education: MS in CS
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Oh... so u looking for that dream job?
Reviewed General Tips on Job Sites
Oh, its that time of the year, when the class is graduating & everyone starts to look out for a job... oh my gawd!!! The market is down! Companies are downsizRead more...
The life & music of Mariah Carey
Reviewed Mariah Carey
Intro: The best-selling female performer of the 1990s, Mariah Carey rose to superstardom on the strength of her stunning multi-octave voice; a talent that helRead more...
50 cent - the rapper & his life
Reviewed Massacre - 50 Cents
Checklist before leaving home: Car keys, home keys, cheque book. Bullet proof vest??? Oh! NY rapper 50 Cent has made so many enemies in his short Read more...
Born star, upcomg actress...will rule the industr
Reviewed Kareena Kapoor
This is a honest review not intended to harm anyone..........(assuming the fact that this rvw (if read) will be battered by ill-desiring girls & some crap-minRead more...
The desi (NRI) community in west
Reviewed Tips on the Indian Community in the West
Hi friends, this is a personal experience with the indians who left the peninsular sub-continent to settle in the west & find work, money, & a safe haven hereRead more...
Overhyped channel for the starved ind. businessma
Reviewed CNBC TV 18
I must say this is a honest, personal review & in no way intended to harm, or offend anyone, whatsoever. Coverage - Breadth & Depth: This channel covers quitRead more...
Fantastic piece of work
Reviewed Romeo - Jazzy B
Hi there!!! all ye fans of punjabi music, this one is one gem of an album to get... it will give you all that you would have been missing out for a couple ofRead more...
Concern Regarding My Experience at Sankara Nethra
Reviewed Sankara Nethralaya - Nungambakkam - Chennai
Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share my deeply concerning experience at Sankara Nethralaya, Nungambakkam, Chennai, whichRead more...
Commented on Honesty's review
your review smacks of overly intellectual operation of all movies. Remember the message and not the details of the movie... If you need to give explanation of indian freedom fighters to indian youth, shame on them! Also one thing i would like to remark os that if you are more capable than them of Read More...
Commented on kaysov's review
As Lallupanju wrote: Oh then you think that you are already having your brains out for judging a single movie based on different passing thoughts there Oh then you think that you cant understand the simple analogy of nationalism needs a bigger than life persona to be related to, to deliver th Read More...
Commented on waanee's review
Waanee or whatever your name is, fact is gulti annas from hyd & AP are onlee interested in all things amrikan & nothing else. even if it mean doing dirty work & living poorly in the USA. It is obvious that you havent even gotten the main theme of RDB before writing such a mean & brainless thing. But Read More...
Rated on sunitabansdawala's review
Commented on rewaa's review
Well Rewaa, will keep it simple & straight. I havent read most reviews but have written quite a few. Either you dont know what to expect of indian movies or, you are too inclined to stand out of the crowd by shooting whatever bullcrap comes in your mouth (probable).. Pretentious?? Agreed that the s Read More...
Commented on lallupanju's review
Hi Sakshi today after logging in, i saw ur photo on the first page, hence thought i would send u a mail... people are missing you like anything on MS.... please return back for the sake of your fan-following :-) chao, take care, Amarjeet
hey sakshi, pls keep on writingt good stuff here & dont leave the site... remember, there are a lot of people who login & goto see your new reviews straight... you shud write for them atleast sometimes... but not quit okay.... its the right thing to do now...
Commented on jaded's review
hi jade, as usual, this was another of your nice reviews. I like her 'Life for rent', 'Hunter' & of course, the hit 'White Flag'. You know there are very few people who can sing & you can never get bored with their songs, like Michael Bolton (I dont know why people find his songs depressing) & Tori Read More...
Rated on jaded's review
Rated on lallupanju's review
Hi Jaded, firstly the justificn - I gave you 'U' & not VU, as after such a nice thought, one needs to put forth a solution to accomplish the objective, which I didnt find in ur review. I agree, that in india women are treated as objects of fun, its the same in the west, but here people are REALLY Read More...
Hi Sakshi, firstly, lot of congratulations for being SW, & yes there are 2 useless comments in this flow - about the sarees & the sarcastic one!!! God, I flew AI & I felt bad because the crew were more courteous to foreigners than we indians near the frankfurt hub in germany & that was bad. & yes, Read More...
hello sakshi, i will write what i felt properly.... your ideas are good, but as u say, u should learn to spin a 'web of words' to solidify an invisible idea. Keep reading more standard stuff like TOI editorials, ET, & business standard & not too much of MS, they are all not very proper on grammar, Read More...
Commented on psyxx's review
Hi Rajeev, I am really aMOAzed at your creative side.... I am no animal lover, but that is really COWLLL man.... rgds Amar (human :-))
Rated on psyxx's review
Commented on juhimathur1982's review
Hi Juhi, i am adding my comment to this one. Though I have rated ur rvw as VU, it is because of your proper way of writing (apart from upper case letters). Yes, its true that George is one of few singers who didn't vanish into thin air from many years, but its better if u only listen to his albums Read More...
Rated on juhimathur1982's review
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