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Member Since:Apr 17, 2003
0 MS Points
An orthopod in one of the priemier medical colleges in india,... Just a dude whose intrests keep changing....latest is BOXER dogs...dog named Rusty Whitesox...and now the Exslim EX-Z4. Got loads of stuff on my nokia 3650.... basically a gadget freak . Cell phones; Ham radio; Fresh water aquariums; Dog Showing & breeding; Hacking & phreaking; Fishing; car rallying. Boxer dogs, Casio Exlim z4, nokia 6600 and the lovable nokia 3650 with a large MMC card
About Me
Education: Orthopod
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Nokia 6110
Reviewed Nokia 6610
This phone...only meant for a regular entry level phone with gud reception & voice & gprs & infrared communication....but cmon guys....its got a slo CPURead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on divakargokhale's review
Rated on achougoo's review
Commented on Antibiotix's review
Need I shout!... dont ever flash upgrade the os on the 3650 nokia...I did that and now the ' phone' features are lost for ever. Anyone can tell me where I could get the bugged network drops fixed.... now I have my eyes tuned up for the P910 SonyEric.... with symbian os and great package.
Rated on Antibiotix's review
Followed bangaloregirl
Rated on bangaloregirl's review
Rated on kishore's review
Rated on kaajal's review
Commented on amrita's review
This review has been mo- blogged for all b'loreans, and any one who was not sure of b'lore... esp us mum-bites
so tru on B'lore...but they have a nice weather. And u really have a thing goin for Baazee.... maybe i should also have a swipe at them.
Rated on Studio01's review
Rated on joy192k's review
Rated on love2faiz's review
Rated on fountainhead_23's review
yep , actually the only gud smart phone in the market...i rate it above the 7650, 7250, T610.
Commented on own review
Jusdt an update: well i got rid of the 6610 or i guess culd have given it to my bro! went to see the other phones and got the nokia 7250 with cam! Much better functions & clearer screen than 6610 with gud menu layout . Didnt like it that much...too dainty for me & the PIC quality was poor... Read More...
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