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Member Since:Oct 21, 2002
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Education: B. Tech, MBA
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What a Bank!
Reviewed IDBI Bank
The front staff may be young, but........ .... .... .... .. the back office bosses are from the old Public Sector Banks with the same stubborn attitude. If thRead more...
Reviewed Corporation Bank
Banking had been very tough in India which was dominated by the Nationalised Banks. The entire scenario has changed in the last 2-3 years with the entry of neRead more...
No response from the Bank
Reviewed Allahabad Bank
I wanted to open an account with Allahabad Bank which is near my house. I visited the branch and my very first experience was not good as the guard on duty waRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on ThumbInMouth's review
Just go to some other Bank. Why did you waste your time on ICICI Bank? THey are always like that. They will promise an elephant for dinner, but when you reach there, they won't even offer you water. ICICI is very selfish and it is evident from its name as well... I see I see 'I'. Where's U?
Commented on shamz's review
What you said is absolutely right. There is no 'suvidha' at Citibank. The Bank never sleeps only for very high networth customers. Only they get all the Citiservice. But this bank is definitely not for the common people of India.
Commented on burningdesire's review
The way you have written the review, it is apparent that you are an employee of Dena Bank, and that too a PR guy. Whom you are trying to fool? I am not at all convinced by your opinion of the Bank. Have you ever tried approaching a Dena Bank branch in Delhi?
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