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Member Since:Oct 22, 2017
140 MS Points
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Movie with a average concept.
Reviewed Firangi
After watching this movie, it can be simply analyzed that the movie offers a average piece of drama. The plot seems not to be an original idea. Earlier also wRead more...
Very congestive place.
Reviewed IP Cinemas: IP Mall - Sigra - Varanasi
IP cinema mall Sigra is situated at centre of the city Varanasi. Being at the prime place the ambiance is very congestive and full of crowd. The vehicular noiRead more...
Great work and epic.
Reviewed Kadvi Hawa
After watching this movie I realized that the concept behind this movie is awesome. The plot of the movie is very sensitive and one of the prominent emerging Read more...
Flop movie.
Reviewed Narayan
The movie seems to be a flop piece of drama. After watching I realized that the plot of the movie is not appropriate and good work. The performance of the staRead more...
Bad movie
Reviewed Shaadi Abhi Baki Hai
The movie is not as per expectations. The plot is very bad. It is not that much good as one can waste time on this movie. The performance of the actors are avRead more...
No good features in this price range.
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy On Max
As the mobile promises, the sound reception is not at best. Instead ot offers average sound reception. In terms of user friendly it is quite good and easily aRead more...
Product not as expected and advertised.
Reviewed Reliance JioPhone
Jio phone after using offers many problems as not expected being the flagship product of Jio. Network of the phone is good but it often hangs a lot with batteRead more...
Wastage of time and money.
Reviewed Jia Aur Jia
After watching this movie I realized that the plot of the movie is not much good. The performances of the stars and co-stars are not upto that mark but is quiRead more...
Absurd movie with irrelevant plot.
Reviewed Dil Jo Na Keh Saka
Initially the plot of the movie is very weird and irrelevant. The performance is just a bit above average. The acts sometimes are irrelevant and expressions aRead more...
Not worth buying.
Reviewed Honda Shine SP
The mimeage of the bike is not that much good being 125cc engine. In comfort it offers very low comfort. As the seat is not comfortable and handling is also tRead more...
Noy worth buying the notebook.
Reviewed Asus X540SA-XX018T Notebook
Asus notebook series which I have bought os one of my worst experiences of laptops. Within 6 months from the date of purchase, the laptop started malfunctioniRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
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