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Member Since:Aug 17, 2007
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Education: B.SC & M.B.A
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City forum not respond
Reviewed City Limouzines
We are having habit to forget every thing, as usual we also forget that we had in vested our earned money in city limouzine, previously we got mail and views Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on masum401's review
dear sunil, nothing will be happened because mumbai investors they settled that case under the table. now they are not participate any thing. i don't think so masood will return any thing. we have to file case and fight.
Commented on uday150376's review
today i talked to kaleemullah khan, he said 23 or 24, dec 09, city will open his office, when i asked you told this information he said some internal information from city company. when i asked why city is not up dating his web site regarding this he said to call again on 24 dec morning.... if an Read More...
Commented on khanna_manish's review
Mr.Khanna, sory for this delhi people only close running company.... if you see OM sai delhi people raised complaints against rupesh owner of om sai... & saturday again they send for seven days police custody ..... where om sai MD given public notice as well as he came for press meeting & few p Read More...
Commented on aspmlf's review
masood if you donot trust on my statement then asked your person they can tell you ... pl. read to day news paper the times of india page six, navbharat times hindi paper on page five... or asked your person reahed patiala court on dt. 19.12.09 at 2 p.m. at court no. 7
masood last five months people they are paying there EMI as most of them take loan from bank ... what will happend with you if people know your presence .... fear from allah & return all poor persons amount as they had taken from loan, sale property & etc... if you will not return then thin Read More...
to open delhi office but due to ECS not clear on dated 10 lot of investor reached there & misbehaved with om sai staff.. so he appeal thru news paper that pl. allow them to open office .. om sai also organised press meeting but people should not react like this if person send daily his public no Read More...
masood should learn from his competetors if you see om sai cheques also bounced as they had given public notice in delhi new papers . even then they organised press meeting at delhi press club yesterday. now they are going to return investor money thru ECS ( electonic transfer thru bank to investor Read More...
Rated on mksnahak's review
Commented on mksnahak's review
we all are waiting to get any information but city do not update his site we all investors asuming that this wil happened & that but god knows what will hapened... as per information that tomorrow 14 dec 09 , city is going to submit report to H Court how they will return investor money... Read More...
Commented on rainaquaocean's review
only one channel showing, what about others channel. any impat for this rally pl. update us
any update regarding mumbai meeting, pl. let's know any update today mumbai rally... i am from delhi i was unabe to attend that one pl. any one update us..
Commented on abdeekhumusi's review
if this information is true that will be good news, but we can't trust on words that may be rumour, if city update same so we can trust they will open office.... may be city pass on such type of rumours.. i talked to city delhi staff they have no information about office open they al Read More...
Rated on abdeekhumusi's review
Commented on mouthopen09's review
they should be arrested earlier, but that is ok, masood must arrested & he should return our money as mumbai meeting after that they did not update his web site.. masood what is going on you should up date your web site immediatley.... what about staff of city still they are waiting to open of Read More...
Rated on mouthopen09's review
Rated on mushuu's review
Commented on mushuu's review
when masood will be arrested we have to seen that one, he is very power full so that till time he is far away from law. massod return all investors money immediately this is your prime responsibility
Commented on uzair_khaishgi's review
dear Azeez, can you confirms us regarding any update of mumbai investors meeting pl. tell us about that meeting
Commented on khan832's review
dear khan, why you update aziz khan review .. pl. tell us some new information about city
Commented on v.guruprasad's review
dear guru, what happened we are unable to understnd that why no one from bangalore up date regarding what happened about meeting... what ever it may pl. tell us some thing
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