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Member Since:Oct 09, 2008
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(Need some update on the R15)
Reviewed Yamaha R15
I am sorry for not posting a review of the bike in this section and for using this forum to have an update on the R15. this is almost the only site where I haRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on Andante's review
Commented on Andante's review
Andate, good review..... Since the footrests are placed a little towards the rear wheel, unlike most of our other bikes, only initially (2 days) was it difficult for me to shift down.And just like u have mentioned, i had to take my foot off the footrest to shift down. But then after some time th Read More...
Rated on gopinathsekar's review
Commented on gopinathsekar's review
I find that this review lacks the rider's inpressions about riding the bike. Lacks detail too :(
Commented on Nikhilmoorthy's review
hi Bezil, I saw ur comments about the R15 on reviewmirchi.com...(Hoping i am correct), where u had mentioned that there is gonna be a new revamped version of the R15 coming out very soon. Do u know when it will happen.......I am planning to buy the R15 but if there is gonna be a revamped version Read More...
Commented on kishR15's review
Well said Omraz.. Lower the C.G, better the stability during cornering (basic physics right!!). This is one reason why all race bikes will have their mass concentrated towards the center of the bike and will also try to have as low C.G as possible :)
Commented on santoshbhai's review
That s a really descriptive review Santhosh and was sooo informative :) Good one.. hey, but is the R15 able to touch 10.5K rpm ?
Rated on santoshbhai's review
Commented on Gforce's review
Bro Where is the review of the R15.%0d%0a%0d%0aWe all know that it is costly at around Rs 1.1 lac and we know what the specs of the bike are and we don't need to know about the origin and the AKA name for YAMAHA.%0d%0aMaybe what wiki does not have and so u do not know is that Yamaha is one among the Read More...
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