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Member Since:May 11, 2012
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Manjeera construction a good fair deal
Reviewed Manjeera Constructions - Hyderabad
Dear all, I am working in a MNC bought a flat in manjeera , The quality of work is good, the response from staff is good and also the updates. As few people Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on Next_Gen's review
Commented on Next_Gen's review
what soup Sir?
Commented on Radhika_gupta's review
Next_gen a guy on the blue bike, I wonder how come a so young guy bought a flat in manjeera, it took 38 years for me to buy !!!!. is this id only fake, or even the bike Mr @Next_gen
Rated on Radhika_gupta's review
Commented on juggernaut2209's review
Good one sir Well written, You must have given your details, or else what be the difference between we and the fake writers. any ways appreciate your post here. Thank you, Anand
Rated on juggernaut2209's review
Commented on roykalyan1's review
Well said Mr Kalyan, These hater will never understand this, We need not get surprised if they spam with N number of fake review.All the negative publicity is done deliberately. It is we the real buyers get effected by this not them. Cheers, Anand
Rated on roykalyan1's review
Rated on G_Amit's review
Commented on srianjali11's review
When manjeera booked a case against person who created an id celled ''manjeera sucks'', he created ''ilovemanjeera'' and started posting all the negative things here, Manjeera is far better than many constructions companies, Mouthshutm please ban this user ilovemanjeera, he is a menace to al Read More...
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