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Member Since:Jul 14, 2003
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Education: BE
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Review on Bullet 350 with UCE
Reviewed Royal Enfield Bullet 350
In real sense, this is not really a review by an owner. I am looking for comments and inputs from existing owners of the NEW bullet i.e. the one wRead more...
Review on Yamaha Crux
Reviewed Yamaha Crux
I have been using Crux since almost 8 months now. My use is mostly in city. I have been a Yamaha Fan since long and decided to buy this one after comparing otRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
brao78 - I have head that thump with short silencer is good. Can you please let us know why are you selling it ?
Thanks for the clarifications Pankaj! Do you own the new bullet? I am looking for the actual user reviews on the new bullets... Best regards, Anand
Commented on pradeep83's review
Hi, Anyone other than Bhasker674 abd Ashisxrai faced similar problems with Panasonic LCDs? I have zeroed down on Pany X10. A dealer in PUne told me that if there is a problem with a Sony LCD - even after warranty period, they offer a new one at 1/2 the price. Is it true? Regards
Commented on agupta0's review
Hi agupta0, Is this price under exchange of some TV? I have almost zeroed down on this model, and wanted to get a best price. Regards
Commented on girishhodlur's review
Hi, Did you say that you got it for 31k? Can u let me know which showroom / which site did you check the price at? Panasonic LX800C is available in pune for about 42k. Finding a big difference and hence asking :-)
Hi Sami, No. Not for 1-2 Kms, but in morning, typically I let the engine heat (I mean let it be on idling) for about 1 -2 minutes. That's all. Other than that, this bike is a pleasure to drive! Cheers! Anand
Commented on santrush123's review
Any recent review on Yamaha Crux? I plan to buy one soon....
Commented on mishal153's review
Any review on the new 110 CC TVS Star City? How does it stand as far as mileage, riding comfort etc goes? Regards, Anand
Commented on dineshthayampath's review
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