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Member Since:Oct 25, 2008
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One of the best insurance company believe me
Reviewed HDFC Life Insurance
Hdfc standard life products are far much better than max, kotak, icici, bharti axa and more. First of all you need to understand that hdfc has to offer 7 fundRead more...
Concern Regarding My Experience at Sankara Nethra
Reviewed Sankara Nethralaya - Nungambakkam - Chennai
Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share my deeply concerning experience at Sankara Nethralaya, Nungambakkam, Chennai, whichRead more...
Commented on own review
also one more thing if you take hdfc pension plan now than they charge 40% in first year but if you continue your policy for 15 years they give back your money as bonus 50% of your premium tell me which company is doing this in market charging nothing instead giving you 10% from there side
you know icici fmc is 1.75% and policy administration charges is also high and switches are less so just calculate the charges for 10 years than you can definitely see which one is charging more. Also icici has lost his reputation in recent time so how could you advice for icici prudential policy... Read More...
ok I agree with you that if you look at first sight i seems that hdfc policy charges high for 1st year but you need to understand they are not exactly as high as other companies. For eg:- hdfc charges 35%and accumulates your 65% while kotak charges 6%in 1st year and accumulates 94% of your premium. Read More...
Commented on ris1294's review
well they have introduced new pension plan in which they accumulate 60% of your premium in first year. now it sounds something as if they are charing you very high rather than max new york or sbi life or other companies who accumulater 70-80% in first year and deduct only 20-30% but they do it succe Read More...
Commented on riya12's review
well can you tell me which plan of hdfc have you brought, in which you can change your premium.
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