Hdfc standard life products are far much better than max, kotak, icici, bharti axa and more. First of all you need to understand that hdfc has to offer 7 funds from "safe" to "growth". Now lets talk about the charges, hadfc charges Rs60 as policy administration each month while max and more charges Rs 200 per month, Icici Rs75. so you can calculate well how much actually they are charging you for twelve months. Now the greatest thing is FMC fund management charge guys and believe me its something really counts in insurance. hdfc has 1.25% charge of fund value while other companies have it around 1.75-2.25%. so just think if you accumulate 10lacs in 10-15years and the charge you at 1.75 than how much loss you are facing and hdfc is charging only 1.25% which was even lesser in unit link pension plan that were earlier offered by hdfc has been revised just 15days earlier they charge only .80% of fund value(thank god I purchased two policies). Other thing to see is switches hdfc offers you 24 switches believe me no other company offers such a large number of switches for free.
Now LIC is good in conventional plan but absolutely pathetic in unit link plan there agents can"t even reply to all your queries. People have blind faith in LIC but believe me guys just go to a LIC office and than see how much convience and service is provide to you there. And people who say hdfc standard life will be dissolved most early if there is financial crises are the most stupid once because in india every insurance company is under supervision of IRDA which is a goverment contolling authority and looks for solvency ratio otyher than this hdfc is one the biggest group havings its banks, securities, life and general insurance and housing finance.