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Member Since:Jun 25, 2016
220 MS Points
I am a student...I am reading in class 11
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Best in my view
Reviewed Pink (2016)
Todey few hour ago I watch the movie pink.and after watching this movie I must say that the movie has something special.amitav bachchan is a great actor and hRead more...
Nice film
Reviewed Akira
Few days before I watch the movie named akira.one thing I must say that the movie really has something watching this movie I really very proud to be an indianRead more...
Reviewed Flipkart PVT LTD
Now days when any person think about a online product buying website that mooment in every person mind only thing I mean only one sight come at first in mind Read more...
Lets see
Reviewed A Flying Jatt
After watching the ads on tv about this movie I think that it will be I mean this movie will be a great movie or a worst movie ever.in this movie its look likRead more...
Best site
Reviewed Amazon
Many time I mean when I am thinking to buy something online that mooment a single and one and only trusted site is amazon.in because from some months ago I buRead more...
Good but not so good
Reviewed Mohenjo Daro
After watching this movie I feel there is something littile bit missing.yes the cinema is good but not so good I mean there is something missing in the full mRead more...
Good enough
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy J7 - 6 (2016 Edition)
Before few month I bought my new mobile and I am realy very happy to see that my new mobile is samsung j7.i am realy very impreesed by using this product.befoRead more...
Best movie
Reviewed Rustom
Hi I recently watch the movie named rustom and I must say that this movie is just awosome I realy very impreesed to seen this movie its just have a great storRead more...
Just fav
Reviewed Sony Playstation 2
Few day ago I bought my playstation 2 and in one word its just awosome I am personally a gaming fan I love to play game and for the begainer ps2 is the best oRead more...
Just awosome
Reviewed Sultan
Sultan oh just just a great film of salman khan.this film proves that he is a great actor of bolliwood industry.he proves that he is a great actor. In this mRead more...
Not so good
Reviewed Aircel Mobile Operator
I am a user of aircel I not a new member I use it from 1 year ago.when I bought this my friends tell me tha this mobile operator gave there coustomer a good aRead more...
Just speachless...
Reviewed Dishoom
Dishoom what a name and this film is as good as it named.i mean just awosome.i love this film all actors actress act parfect and awosome. I love this movie tRead more...
Good sport bike
Reviewed TVS Phoenix
Hallo I bought this bike few months ago and I must tell that I drive many bikes before but this bike is just fav just awosome.i realy think that this bike is Read more...
Reviewed Housefull 3
Its realy nice movie.with full of masti.all persons act superb.but it can be mor good.in my opinion its good like the movie housefull 2 it can be more good buRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on sandeepmittal_82's review
Thanxz for this type of informative revew its really help me thnxz
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Pankaj Kumar (@Pankaj0432MouthShut Verified Member)
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