When my heart felt consummated, you crossed my path and created emptiness all over again.
He is back to his old faithful place today ‘the 13th floor’ restaurent. At least there is something which allows him to be loyal and doesn’t show him the ‘way out’. The restaurant is full today and for a change even he has a company, company-of-a-empty-chair. He did not allow the chair to be taken away even on the manager’s request to help others.
‘Actually I am waiting for a guest’ he told for the 5th time to the waiter. ‘Guest???’he felt like patting himself to have come up with such a word. So true naa 'everyone' who has been in his Life were either a ‘Guest’ or ‘Passerby’.
Some of them did stop there for few months but they had no intentions of ‘years’. And he could not blame them as they came with a 'statutory warning' we are not gonna stay.
Some came with clauses that they might stay depending on the treatment he will offer them. If the treatment is good, unlike their previous experiences they might stay. But there was not comparative data provided and he never demanded. Later they all left saying 'the-previous-experience-was-better' and they would want to go back to them.
Some of them came with a board saying ‘we don’t expect much’ but actually they meant don’t expect from us. They are still around like those ‘ancestral paintings’ hanging on one of the walls of life which serves no purpose neither can be thrown away.
He sigh’s again with assurance that they indeed were guests in his LIFE.
He keeps staring at the chair kept in front of him and says cheers before every sip. The 'chair' lies there as the symbol of Incompleteness which has been created with the guest leaving his life time again. But he is not complaining – he remembers a status message he read this morning ‘Disease is curable, fate isn’t …’ he has accepted the fact or you can say he has accepted the Fate !
He oppugn to statement of some philosophers which reads ‘We all are complete within ourself'. But soon he nods his over drunken head endlessly to the same. Then suddenly he looks back to the empty chair to give a hapless look. He gets a feeling, the chair is the one responsible to make him feel alone tonight. If it doesn’t lie there empty he will never feel the need of a company. He yells at the waiter to remove the chair and feels quenched with the cerebration of conquering a necessity.
He was always bad at LOGICS but today he is gallant with the realism that he has learned.
‘We are all complete in ourself, its just that when other crawling species who can stand ontwo legs and look like humans enter our life they create a Vacuum and Emptiness and they make us Incomplete’
And then we wander around imagining them all over the place, where they have been with us and even at places they have never been. We keep hearing all the mawkish sentences they uttered and also some which they never did but we assumed . And then we cry over thinking how incomplete life is without them.
He laughed … and then wondered there is some hole in the LOGIC again. If he just said ‘we are COMPLETE in OURSELF till SOMEONE enters our LIFE’ .. Then ‘why do we cry thinking how INCOMPLETE life is without them?
Yaar.. He has only one alternative left to blame his impotency to understand Logic and he did the same ‘I am too drunk to understand’ this is what Old Monk does to normal human beings.
‘Sir,can I get the cheque?’ waiter asked hesitatingly.
'Yes get the cheque but I will pay only if you tell me this'
“Why do we live in present, keep looking at the past and showing our @ss to the future and cribthat we aren’t happy?”
And then the bloody restaurant DJ plays the same apt to the situation song.. "Kuch Kam roshan hai roshni kuch kam geeli hai barishe'.....and he goes back to his feeling of Incompleteness and ask the waiter to get the EMPTY CHAIR again.