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By: shoyeta | Posted: May 18, 2009 | General | 921 Views

I was searching for destinations for a short, fun trip and then,

I stumbled upon an arrow showing me a rough path winding upwards.

Hardly prepared for the journey, with no past experience, I stepped on the gravel path

I met few others on the way who had been walking on the path before me and

I made friends with people who were taking the same route as I was

The difficulty of the road was compensated by the beautiful landscapes

I saw flowers in full blossom, brooks and meadows

Companied by enthusiastic crowd full of energy and ambition to reach the summit, I started enjoying the journey.

I heard many stories on the way some success stories of who had reached the summit, Some praises of the view that the summit offers, some gossips and some legends and Very few failure stories, failure to climb any more or lack of motivation to climb anymore.

I got rewarded with occasional butter tea and snacks on the way, and that gave me energy to climb more hills.

The friendships on the way developed into strong relationships and everyone had the same goal to reach the summit.

Everyone had different stories and all of us went through the difficulties of the road, each one helping the other, enjoyed the breaks together and shared everything.

Then I reached a point where I felt that the landscape was not changing anymore

The higher I climbed I saw it was the same landscape just viewed from a higher altitude

There was mist surrounding the other distant hills, I could just see this road that I was walking in for so long

I was not sure if I wanted to reach that summit anymore, the butter tea had lost its flavour for me

What would I do next? Sitting there surrounded by mist, this was the crux of my dilemma

Should I climb all the way down and search for a different route that led to different hills?

The dilemma of wasting all the effort in climbing all the way till this point, the risk of not finding another route, the lack of courage to go against the norm and at a point where everyone one on the road wanted to head up.

I would be the only one going down again and searching for a different paradise, leaving all friends and relationships in midway, the fear of hurting people, disappointing then overpowers my will to follow my heart.

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