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By: shoyeta | Posted: Jan 21, 2009 | General | 598 Views

Can you describe your last drink and the way you felt about it?

Do you talk about the last cigarette you smoked?

Do you remember when was the last time you got Goosebumps when you thought of someone?

Can you remember your last love letter?


If I ask you to describe your first smoke, you might write a paragraph

If I ask you to tell me about your first kiss, you might paint a picture

We can recall every single detail about our first experiences

Have you ever looked back and wondered how much you have changed?

How your emotions and even the way you react to simple things have changed?

You would have probably had wet eyes when you received your first bouquet, now it is just a bunch of pretty flowers.

You would have prepared like a secret service agent before your first smoke, now it is just a smoke break

You would have relived your first kiss a million times, or died a million times on your first heartache

Think about the anticipation on you first day in college, the thrill of first day at work, the pride in your first salary, the nervousness of the first date, the innocence of first love…… the memory of the first of everything remains with us forever.

We can relive those first moments but the tough part is retaining the innocence of emotions in the moments now.

There is a quote that comes into my mind here that “we always tend to call our first love our last and the last our first”

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