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By: Aarini | Posted: May 23, 2018 | General | 722 Views

It was Just one of those nights. Nothing had changed much,they were an eerie silence to the celebrations. The Evening had long ceased and so had the Crossfire. One of those kind of days when Forest Officer Chandidutt thought if his Job was much easier than the Officers posted few miles away from his Hut.

Years staying in the Jungle had taught him a Lot. He knew the sounds of the Forest by Heart now. He knew when a Bigger Animal followed the laws of nature and hunted a smaller one. When male of similar species were caught in a fight with one another coz they had to prove their might. He knew the bait and the baited. He knew Everything. Except he could never ever Fathom the Laws of Human Beings. What made them function? What made them Tick? Why did they behave the way they did?

His secluded spot, a deliberate chosen isolation was just to observe, and empathise though he could hardly ever. Years later he had not been able to bury the few dead bodies literally that had fallen in his Territory. Years later it was still looking as Foolish as it had been then. Years later he could not explain that day yet.

The Girl looked frail, Very. There was no skin on her Bones yet. Her knees rashed,blood flowing from a gash and she was limping from probably a sprain in the ankle. What was she doing here?How did she reach here? She did not belong to the place and yet she did. She looked as foreign as a Native.

“Will you Hide me Somewhere, Anywhere” She pleaded without uttering a word. “They are after me if they find me they will kill me”. Again spoken in silence without words. Chandidutt had cared for a lot of does to not know that this was injured badly. No Questions asked, he provided her with the First Aid. Tended to her wounds. Arranged a hot water bath and a bowl of khichdi.

There was no conversation at all, days later, weeks later, months later, absolutely none. The Radio blared the news that he could hear from his own ears. There was a crossfire and she had gone out, did not return till he went out for a search for her. Her bullet ridden body lied next to the cross section of a Valley. His vision blurred, A Lot more than he had ever imagined! Yet years of practice gave him the Strength to not let go of his Stability. He picked up the lifeless body quietly and neatly bathed her, dressed her up, and buried her under his favorite Magnolia Tree.

Then he took out his pen & paper and started writing-

Dear Mr. Eisfullah Qureshi,

I presume you have been searching for your daughter for a Long time, I found her Ages hence, but only realized her identification last evening in her clothes. I realize you are an esteemed Major of Pakistani Army. Yesterday there was a crossfire from your side to wards Indian side. Before I forget Myself an Indian Forest Officer, and this is how I found your daughter..

His eyes welled up with Tears.

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