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By: Aarini | Posted: Jan 13, 2014 | Loving it! | 1040 Views

For ages it had been her well-hidden secret, shes lost the count till now, how many years, how many of them, how many times…… when did it occur to her she couldn’t recollect, when it materialized into an idea she has no clue. Dad had discovered it for the first time, that zero watt bulb had given her away…that was just another summer night. Her pen was furiously giving all the secrets away to the paper.

“Aru, for God’s sake, no wonder you complain of headaches”

“Nothing, Kuch nahin

Dikhao what happened, tell me is it a boy? Are you on drugs?”

She had started sobbing and then quietly extended her register to him, she knew this was IT!

He had always been a Man of Silence, as he read quietly, he looked at her asked just one question” Have you told HIM”.

“No, no “ she squealed

He sighed and then slowly muttered “I prayed you would not turn like me, but.”

Then he gained his composure and looked at her “So now, what do we do.”

“Dad, I have it all there” She cleaned her Specs, Smiled

She was 15 then

She is 36 now

They still shared the Secret

Every New Book Release Binded Them

Every New Movie Had Their Emotions

They Knew that She had Immortalized “Love” for both of them.

Though Her Mom still wonders “how certain movies carry their intimate scenes”

Though She Knows that HE has noticed the Similarities too, sitting in a theatre with miles of distance between them

Damnit, She always knew how to Create Trouble:)

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