Its just turn of events that I became what I m or sumthin pushed me to become what I m today A Mighty politician, I control most of the things that surround me or surround you, no m not a villan as people think I am, I just want the things to be as I want it to be and at any costs mind you and the only outcome shud be me earning a lil, a lil by my standard.
So you intrested to know how it all actully started, let me tell you it wasnt easy for me, and I think it stared when I was in school, in 8th standard actully I wasnt frm a well to do family while I wasnt intrested in studies I nevve hide it frm my mother and my teacher he hated me and I hated him back even more, he crossed his limit 1 day when he attempted to stop me from smoking in classroom, and got what he deserved from me a tight slap below his ear dat just put him in his place I still laugh at that episode he had to be hospitalised as his ear drum got burst and beyond repair, and I was sent to juvenile house, that actully helped me as I meet sum more guys with same thinking as mine I allways told mother not to worry as I can take care of myself, but she worried and I dint bother to explain it to her everytime so I kept my interaction with her to d mimimum, time passed I came out of jail house a new guy, guys my age feared me elders guys in my area respcted me, except deepak bloody he was d only guy who used to poke fun at me so I thought next was his eardrum hahaha, but even he tried his luck too far, so one day I threw him from top of a flyover I thought he might get away with sum fractors but he was weak n died dis time I was sent to bigger jail, promotion for me hahaaha, I made new contacts and here I was promised that I would me made d king of my area if I follow my seniours here and outside, gettin me out of jail was peice of cake fr them I dint took my mothers help although she tried but dint suceed I went out on my own ofcourse with the help of bhai.
so once I was out I was a bhai in my area, I had power I had money I collectd it from businessmen in my locality for the bhais they were happy with me soon I was their trusted guy, so one day my mentor promoted me further he handed me a gun to kill maaan that was sum weapon I told him I dnt need guns to kill now I had done enough practise of beating people for no reason in my area just to create a panic so that my area stays mine (trade secret) so I told bhai I would just stone him so that people remembr me, bhai liked the idea and gve me d gun as gft, so I executed the work I beat him ruthlessly den just a big stone on his head did it for him, one of my punter surrenderd to police for their formality afterall they cnt arrest me.
Local corporator called me and asked me to support him. Bhai he told me not to indulge with him as he was in gud books of rival of my gang, so I warned th corporator, this fuelled the rivalry further, so I finished the corporators khaas aadmi.
I thought if the corporator think I can help him in election y cnt I do the same for myself, I got in touch wd bhai he asked me to go ahead and guide me to d party supported by us even d party presidnt was happy with my suggestion
So election preperations was all set daru, chicken, money, women, all demands of were meet I dint wanted to fail so made sure all my men were happy n they made sure they execute the work properly, every karykarta of the other party were either bought or broken simple rule, see each karyakarta has a group of certain ppl behind him who he depends on for vote so the more the groups the more the chances and they are rivalries in group just need to explore it to break it if needed this group just votes where the karyakarta asks them too and so in a area of suppose 10000 people hardly 4000-5000 go to vote and out of this only 20-30% of people vote without any pressure the rest can be manipulated by money or power or false promises we just need to explore their weakness (and u thought fighting an election was easy BOSS its more complicate) bhai was immpressed by my work style and was confident too, so was the party head, and they wrnt disaapointed either I won with a grt margin.
Bhai explained me that since I was in politics I shudnt be executing any of the work directly now so I appointed a guy for the same , control is everything in this feild, so aftr becomin a corporator I did my work as I was expcted to the contractors the BMC guys all were my personal now, new contratcts were issued and all the engineers and contractors who supported the rival party was made to follow my orders or face the music.
I also won the next election one sidedly, and aftr serving the public for another 5 yrs I fought for the next level as now I had gained enough support of my party workers who are close to Delhi bhai gave gud support in that too.
But cum to think of it, it was my teacher who got me into this, maybe I shud visit him sumtime with a gift an HEARIN AID hahahahahaaha.
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half, coz, it, NEVER, will, be, completed