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Member Since:Nov 06, 2007
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Do not buy from popular car bazaar
Reviewed Buying a Second Hand Car
I was thrilled when I decided to buy a car for my self as I was able to arrange a substaintial amt n had shortlisted ZEN as my 1st car(decided to go for used Read more...
The Perfect Cruiser
Reviewed Bajaj Avenger
Hey guys, ive been riding this bike fr 3 yrs now n hve clocked close to 30ks now, wdout any major glitch or any breakdown. I still remember while upgraRead more...
Helmet Quite usefull
Reviewed General Tips on the Helmet Rule
When this rule was 1st made compulsory my initiall respons to it was like most of the people(WHAT THE HECK). but it was law n everybdy has to follow it I bougRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on alex_esmie's review
that reminds me of my 20's days we frnds used to just party wd dis n boy we had sum party.......cheers fr bringing back my memories..........
Rated on Rusty_v's review
Commented on Rusty_v's review
faced similar treatment from them long back, that time the service was free initially for a week or so but they kept sending me bills, i replied they dint revert, so i stopped replying they blocked my ac which i never operated post the episode.. i never missed ebay actually and thank them for blocki Read More...
Commented on uppalurivenugopal's review
absolutely agree with you on the fuel co, even i have noticed d same not only in mileage but also in smoothness...i prefer HP/BP....
Rated on ravipandey103's review
Commented on thejwagle's review
Try Honda engine oil but consult wd ur mech 1st,, tried it on my 180cc works wonder..engine seems new...
Commented on own review
Well hello again its been 6 years now n m still stuck on this bike.. changed d rear shockabs recently,,the ride is smooth now..n intrestingly tried Honda engine oil n guys believe me the bike seems as gud a new... Till now riding wd OG clutch plate clocked more then 80ks now but d bike is still goi Read More...
Its just turn of events that I became what I m or sumthin pushed me to become what I m today A Mighty politician, I control most of the things that surround me or surround you, no m not a villan as people think I am, I just want the things to be as I want it to be and at any costs mind you and the o Read more...
Commented on own article
thanx fr r comment Agree wd u vaibhavi, infact had written a lot but it got deleted while saving, so wrote a lil
Slow Poison for middle class
(Updated Dec 21, 2010)
Its early morning as usual leaving for work bt hve to drop my kid to school before that shud I take my car out,, no its a small distance hmm then ill drop her on bike, but even it is in reserve hmm dats giving me jitters the petrol price has increased to 60 sumthin now maan dats gonna pinch me Read more...
Followed shweta.chatterjee
Rated on shweta.chatterjee's review
Commented on shweta.chatterjee's review
To the point review, but the film seems like its was made only for 2 ppl, abhi and ash rest of the characters were not given much time to face the cam, and it was the promotion which induced the thought of Epic in the minds of audience, hence the preconceived notion from their point of view,, over a Read More...
Commented on twincam's review
post sum comment on old 800 Vs the new 1 the 5speed model......
Guess who has the last laugh... i got the original documents directly from the RTO had to give an NC for missing documents....... finally can show my middle finger to the Popular guys.........
Commented on usl52's review
yes we bike lovers are deprived of good quality bikes by our gov by their laws, none of the todays bike can last as long as the RDs or the RXs built by the Japs.. the life span of today's bikes are 5-7 yrs max (n m exaggrating here)
Commented on john_cool_123's review
The point is that the old monster has retained its muscle to challenge the young ones and even beat them, its old Sword is mighter then todays high end Bazookas,,, no offences though.... its like Holliefield VS the great Mhd Ali... who will win would olways be a debate.....
Rated on john_cool_123's review
Commented on chaipaani's review
Agree with you, but i dint fall for their CV update stuff, just joined their website, got sum emails for the same applied for it, got the reply just like you, so now have spammed their email address, mayb aftr sumtime i'll block them..........
Rated on chaipaani's review
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