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By: JaveedAhmedM | Posted: May 30, 2009 | General | 356 Views

As a young man long ago, on the brink of making my career, I had attended many a development workshop sessions. I recall one such session, while working on a new training course, which demonstrated why myself and many of us fail to lead upfront and take actions.

The training was a radical shift from the usual concepts that we used to teach. Reddy, my Boss was also with us during the training course. He was emphasizing the importance of positive attitude. He stated that people are capable of incredible things, simple by the power of their minds.

He produced a large candle and placed in the middle of the training session table which was in the front of the hall. He then lit the candle and explained what was going to happen. If we all trainers focus our minds on the candle and the will to do it, the candle flame will go off soon. He stressed the importance of being with positive attitude and belief that it will happen. We all stood in a group at the other end of the long table and the lights of the room were turned off. We started focusing on the candle flame.

Whatever endeavor we take, it first flashes in our mind frame. We see the possibility of it’s potential in the light of our own conscience, knowledge, values and experiences. It is called mental creation, that we cautiously integrate in our brain. It also reflects our own uniqueness and the personal, family, schooling, moral and ethical guidelines that persuade us to fulfill our desires most happily.

Then there is the second creation, the physical creation. It is the actualization, the natural emergence of our other habits. It is the exercise of independent will towards becoming principle centered. We are in habit to put first things first by practicing effective self-management. Self-management that is the breaking down the time-bound left brain aspect of effective self-government.

How you can attain this power of self management? It is not so difficult to attain this power. Switch on the wheel of your self awareness system that will lead you to the imagination window and in the process you will ignite your conscience. Finally it will energize your independent will and make effective self-management possible.

The human will is an amazing thing. Time after time, it has triumphed against unbelievable odds. So be enthusiastic, give your will a thrust.

After about some time Manisha, my colleague standing besides me murmured that the flame was flickering. I still had my doubts if it’s going to work. But being a part of the group, I continue to focus on the flame and other too continued to channel our mental and physical energies onto the candle flame. And all the time my Boss kept again and again, reminding us of the power of our minds. It was a long wait.

Then after two minutes, which was like hours, of seeing very little being achieved Reddy went up to the candle and blew the flameout. Aah. It did get blown off.. LoL He then turned to a rather bemused group of us and said "Thinking about something is not enough. You need to take action too"

Mogambo Khush Hau(I said that but in Low voice)!!! Self Statisfaction is key to hapiness and self acheivement. I remembered Amrish Puri's vallainous phrase in one of his the most memorable movies was belted out whene ever he was satisfied. Enjoy your life just the way it all is, enjoy every minute of it. Embrase today the way it all is, so that those moments of happiness you're waiting for don't pass by you. But

most Importantly, always be content with who you are by giving your best.

Action is Needed Nothing else! Still Lingering Doubts, Try Out!

Tags :
action, mind, mental, physical, effectiveness
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