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By: JaveedAhmedM | Posted: Dec 31, 2011 | General | 1453 Views

Once a farmer who was kind to all animals, mucky ones & good ones.He had many kids, the kids often put out scraps of food for large crows.One of the Crow became very proud & grew up to spurn other birds that had to find their own food.One day a flock of swans landed close to the farmer’s house.The farmer’s little son saw them,said to the Crow “O Crow,U are better than all other birds.”

Hearing these words,the Crow's ego got heightens & believed them to be true,grew more snobbish than ever.The pompous crow flew to where the flock of swans was living in quite & peace, asked to speak to their leader.

“O Swan,”he said,“let us see who is better at flying.”

The Swan looked at the Crow began to LoL!

“O Crow,”it said.“Do U know who I am?I am a simple swan,but we are legendary for the vigor of our wings.We can cross vast oceans,travel wherever we please.How can U face a swan?How will U fly with me?”

Blinded by arrogance,the Crow scorned at the Swan:

“I shall fly in a 101 different styles.I shall fly in one style for a 100 leagues.I will fly in another beautiful style for the next 100 leagues.I shall rise up,swoop down,whirl around,fly straight,travel slowly,travel steadily,go forwards,go backwards,soar upwards, dart forward,soar downwards at a great speed,once more travel slowly,then at a terrifying speed,then swoop down,whirl around,advance steadily,fly up in jerks soar straight upwards, fall down again,wheel about in a circle,rush forward proudly,many different styles.(I am Bemused) Then,O Swans,U shall see my strength.This is how I shall race against U.I am an all rounder.I have great number of cheerleaders(Chamchas & Dongas).Lets have a Flight (Did I hear that as Fight?Oops)"

Then the Swan said:

“I have no doubt–O Great Black Beautiful Crow that U will fly in a 101 different styles in 101 different ways.I,however, will fly in that style that is known to all birds for ages, for I do not know any other as I am simple Old style Bird.”

When the crows who had gathered there heard this,they laughed,cawed loudly.

“How,” they cried,“will a swan, who knows only one kind of flight (fight), get the better of the Crow, who knows 101 different kinds of flights?”

Then the Crow & Swan rose into the sky,the Crow began to fly in a 101 different ways doing many acrobats.Seeing him, the crows on the ground were filled with joy & began to Kaw even louder Kaw Kaw Kaw! The swans laughed at them in scorn,they all flew about,made a great commotion too but not Kawing, sang the Swan Song (Kolaveri Du).

Meanwhile, the Swan continued to beat his wings steadily up & down,flying in the slow gentle style that was known to him.The Crow was far ahead,seeing this,the watching crows exclaimed:

“See, the Swan is giving way!”

The Swan heard these words & flew westwards towards the ocean.The Crow followed close behind, but when he saw the land disappear,he became very afraid.Where could he land if he grew tired?There were no islands,no trees,only the bottomless,tossing ocean & No companions to cheer, Oops that was the worst part.

The Swan looked back at the Crow, in his kindness,could not leave him behind.He waited for the smaller bird to catch up with him,but by this time the Crow came to his side he was so weary that he was about to fall into the ocean.

“O Crow,” said the Swan,“what motion is this?U did not describe it to us before.U repeatedly touch the water with Ur wings & beak–what is the name of this kind of flight?”

Weak with fatigue,seeing no end to the vast span of water the Crow replied:

“O Swan – I am only a Crow,who flies about crying caw-caw.Please help me–carry me to the shores of the ocean.”

So saying he suddenly fell down into the water & the Swan saw that he was close to death.

“Have U forgotten what U said, O Crow?” he enquired. “U said that U would fly through the sky in 101 different ways.U said that U were superior to me.If this is so,why have U fallen into the ocean?”

With a great effort, the Crow raised his eyes towards the Swan.

“O Swan,” he murmured, “I was filled with pride, because I was fed upon the remains of others’ dishes – I thought myself superior to all other birds. Now, however, I ask U to protect me. All my friends have dumped me & I place my life-breaths in Ur hands. Please, take me to the shores of some island. If I am ever again safely home in my own land, I will never again insult anybody. Please–save me.”

The Swan looked at the Crow who was weeping, numb with fear, sinking down into the ocean. Without a word, he picked him up & helped him to mount upon his back. Then the Swan flew swiftly homeward with the unconscious crow, placed him on the shore. He comforted him with kind words, then rose up into the air, flew away to the distant lands from whence he had come.

Tags :
crows, swans, flights, MS
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