The Afton Cp 217 treadmill is a reliable and sturdy machine with motor and broad 400mm walking area. It has side bars you can clutch on in case any realing sensation or sudden stoppage due to power failure. The dealer says it is a Korean company but it is very difficult get the manufacturers details even online except thro a site "" which gives details of products but not manufacturer.
It iS however imported and may be a "made in China". I dont knw why they are so shy. I have purchased it in Dec'06 and jogged about 1000 Km in one year at the rate of about 3 Km per day (there were breaks in my scedule ofcourse. The machine is very reliable and needs only lubrication.
The speed change etc are very easy. The looks are also relatively sturdy (compared to product of another company I have seen in an exibition). The price was Rs. 20000/- which I find is worthwhile for a product of Health and personal fitness particularly if you have problems in waking up early enough or crowded neghbourhood is making a walk on roads almost impossible. It gives you TOTAL flexibility.
However I find the Calorie and Distance meter showing a lower value, say if you walk for about 40 mts @ above 5-5.5 KMPH it still shows about 130 calories and about 3Km only but during that period with similar effort on road you cover upto 3.5 to 4 Km.
The calorie meters on line also suggest a calorie burning of well above 160-200 Calories for this effort . However the inaccuracy is OK because the inaccuracy is on lower side and hence it only makes you to workout a bit more.
Reasonable Price
Has side handles
Heart beat meter, caloriemeter etc
safety features
Cons :
1. Inaccurate calorie and Dist meter
manual incline adjustment
Poor plastics
LOOKING BACK : (11-12-2009)
The machine was alright for about 18 months. First there was a roller trouble and I got it fixed. After about 3-4 months it stopped after transit to Hyderabad and refused to re-start. The Engineer came once and there was no response for latter calls. There appears to be a problem with the Electronics. I quit and am taking up normal walking instead.
Appears it is a Chinese.
Look other makes also before taking a decision.