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By: SRNAIR | Posted: Dec 29, 2009 | General | 352 Views (Updated Dec 29, 2009)


All we learn from History is it repeats itself

And that people learn nothing from History!

Wars have been fought, condemned and praised

By warriors, pacifists and proponents in equal measure:

Wars to end wars, kindle new ones, breed enmity,

Foster alliances in the name of enduring Peace,

Crusades for religions and to spread them in God’s name:

All excuses to make monkeys of foolish men,

With none to listen to voice of reason and wisdom ---

Have singed the pages of History to make scholars

Of imbeciles who know exact dates of events!

What did we learn from History ---- Nothing,

Except that medieval savages fought to conquer

What modern ones with more sophisticated weapons

Are doing now in the name of Peace and Culture!

Can any good flow from swords that slaughter

Martyrs, infidels, fanatics or warmongers ----

Depending upon the victor who gets to write History!

The question is absurd ---- Ask another one

That is comfortable to fetch a confusing answer!

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