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By: confusedsoul | Posted: May 24, 2013 | Direct Dil Se | 936 Views

I don't remember the moment when I decided to build a career in the Teaching Sector. I believe it just happened, something like love. You don't analyze before falling in love. Do you?

As a student, I helped my sister with all the subjects and I wasn't certain at that point of time about the subject I will be teaching. Later, when I decided to pursue my Masters, I had only one subject in mind and that was Political Science (Civics). My teacher helped me develop a better understanding of the subject. It was always a treat to be there in her class, she was wonderful. Her command over the subject and her simple expression made learning easy and interesting. Without any second thoughts I decided to opt for Civics, in a way I wanted to be like her.

But while I expressing my interest for pursuing Masters in Political Science, my grandmother shared her thoughts on the Global recognition of English. I spent sometime thinking and I had a pragmatic approach and decided to opt for English. Today I completed 3 years in the Teaching Industry as an English Teacher.

I remember the days when I wasn't fluent in my expression. Even during my early days on Mouthshut,I often used to think twice before posting something. I have been using Mouthshut for almost 5 years. it has helped me a great deal in understanding my thoughts and expressing it properly. Even today when I read a few of my old blog I find a few errors which were unknown to be back then. I have learned a lot and have been learning something everyday.

Even while preparing for a lesson, I make sure I refer to websites like howjsay or to check pronunciation and meanings whenever necessary.

Today there is a purpose behind me penning this post. I wish to help you all understand a few common errors we tend to make unknowingly. I hope it helps.

Common Errors:-

WEDNESDAY - The correct pronunciation is 'WENS-DAY' - D in the word is silent. Just like P in Psychology.

Didn't - Correct pronunciation - DINT not Did-int.

Reply / Receive - While using the word Reply and Receive, it is incorrect to add Back.

For instance, I replied back to her mail.

Reply and Receive imply something coming back to you so needn't add back to those words.

Catch and Hold - We often use it interchangeably, but there is a difference. Use the word catch only when you are throwing something and you want the other person to catch.

Please hold my hand not Please catch my hand..!

Head Bath - Bubble bath is when you take bath in a tub full of bubbles and imply the same to Head Bath...! Hard to imagine ? Well, the correct expression is Hair Wash.

Last Night - It is incorrect to stay Yesterday Night. Correct Expression is Last Night.

Tonight - It is incorrect to say Today Night. Correct Expression is Tonight

This Morning - Today morning is a wrongly used phrase. Most of us aren't familiar with this but the right way to it is - This morning.

For example: This morning I met Mr. Ramesh in the parking area


Today in the morning I met Mr. Ramesh in the parking area.

Use of A / AN / THE - AN isn't added before vowel, AN is added before the Vowel Sound.

For instance: It is "an SMS" ; "an MBA degree" ; "an FBI" etc., though S, M and F are not vowels.

A and AN are used when you are not specific, however, THE implies something in particular.

For instance : The children are playing with a ball.

The children are playing with the ball I bought yesterday.

Well friends, that is the end of the English class for today. Please do share your feedback and also add to the list. of errors. Let's help each other speak better. :-)

Thanks for reading.

Wish you a wonderful weekend.


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