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By: confusedsoul | Posted: Mar 01, 2014 | Direct Dil Se | 977 Views

Personality Development(PD) has been a key area under Professional Development. The International School I work for has conducted many workshops in the name of PD Sessions for Teachers. Sessions after sessions we realized we aren't getting in good shape.! Well, both physically and mentally. However, today surprisingly we had the best session in the name of PD.

This certainly isn't to promote the organization which conducted it, ultimately what matters is the message that the listeners carried home. There are only a few things which make sense in a PD session but this time round there were quite a few things worth remembering, thus comes this blog. I thought there can't be a better way of remembering what I have learnt than sharing it.

Today's session mainly focus on how Thinking impacts a great deal of behaviour. So if you are a pessimistic person by nature then stop and think before you actually plan something. What is the harm in starting on a positive note. This thought was well illustrated with an elephant tale. I am sure you must have heard of it, but if you haven't I am here to share it with you. Did you ever notice an elephant with one foot tied with a rope? It's a known fact that elephants have a lot of strength to break anything and everything. However, in this context, it doesn't even try setting itself free.

The reason for this is simple, since the time an elephant is born,it's foot is tied with a rope. In the initial years it often tries to break it, in this attempt it ends up hurting itself badly. As years pass, it stops trying and thus even after gathering massive strength, it has the mental block that it can't break the rope. Thus it never tries it again.

We often get up on a working day cribbing about it being a Monday morning or it being a working Saturday. It does no good. Infact, we unknowingly start the day on a negative note. Did you ever try being positive or starting a working day on a positive note? If you haven't try, after all having something to do in a day is a blessing we aren't aware of.!

Now if you say you will TRY this, you actually mean you may not.! So the best word to say instead of try is "DO MY BEST." Say this and you will feel the difference.

One more thing worth remembering is the theory of Comparing. Imagine your spouse praising someone's spouse(Male -> praising Female and vice-versa) you won't like it at all. Be it for better Sambar or better driving skills. Who the hell can tolerate such a praise! Similarly, you won't do any good to your child by praising the son/daughter of your neighbor or colleague.! You will end up making them think that you hate them. Which ofcourse isn't true!

So, it's all a matter of presentation of thoughts in the right way. A little sugar coating at times does good! So think before you speak. A famous speaker once said - Never waste your words on those people who only deserve your Silence. Because sometimes, the greatest show of strength is to say Nothing at all.

I cannot complete my blog without thanking the organization which conducted the session! A Big Thank you to Mr. Satish from SixthSenseIndia for conducting a meaningful session.

Thank you friends for Reading!

Wish you an awesome day ahead!

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