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By: Vajra5attvahum | Posted: Apr 27, 2012 | Exotic Pets | 725 Views (Updated Apr 27, 2012)

Now, as promised, to get to writing about the species I have waited for most. Spiders are a very broad range and have a lot of divisions in the genus and class. There a few numbered species like the "Black Widow" which are not sought out as pets. The most wanted class of Spiders kept as pets are the Tarantulas. Yes!!! The biggest and most horrific class of spiders are the biggest class in the pet family too. Spiders are natural predators, with a liking for live feed rather than the usual dry foods. They prefer to hunt their food and hence make difficult cosmopolitan compadres. They are a sight to the eye, if you have a liking for varied colours and patterns. However, if you are not used to exotic pets which have lethal characters, I advise you to keep a fair distance from these babies. They are very small creatures and are extremely agile, which enables them to be the best escape artists.

Point to Remember - Spiders are known Sexual Cannibals, meaning, the female tends to kill and eat the male if she does not find him attractive enough during the mating ritual. This leads to a longer life span of females than the males.

Now to start with the list:

  1. Mexican Red Knee - This a widely owned and chosen species for a pet due to its calm and docile nature. They can grow upto a leg span of 6 inches with a black abdomen featuring a few red hair. The name Red Knee comes from the fact that they have red bands around their legs exactly where the legs fold. Due to their size they are more sluggish compared to other species and need very little space and care.

  2. Brazilian Black - The Best Pet Tarantula is a fairly expensive class of tarantulas. They are a very docile and calm land dweller species. They are a fairly slow class but are slightly more active than a few other pet classes. They are jet black with no visible marking or variations and can be the best choice for a beginner.

  3. Brazilian Black and White - This surely is a cousin of the Brazilian Black but is comparitively a larger genus. These spiders can reach a leg span of 8 inches and have beautiful white bands which make them the one of the most attractive displays. They are a non aggressive class but a close contender to the porcupine. They shoot urticating hair if threated which can cause itches and allergies, and if hit in the eye - blindness. They are better not handled very often but a true eye catcher in their abode.

  4. Chilean Rose - This is a Rose Hair Tarantula that has lately gained worldwide recognition as a pet. It ia fairly docile and hardy species ranging from a light gray to a reddish brown color. They are comparitively easy to handle and are available at a fairly low price.

  5. Costa Rican Zebra - This is the best escapist species found in the pet class. They are quite a sight to the eye with black and white lines running longiMr_Customernally over the body and white lines across the joints. They are a docile species but can be very slippery contentders. They are, however, a good choice for beginners.

  6. *Curly Hairv - These are widely known as the Honduran Curly Hair, due to the curly hair covering their normally bronze colored body. They are a very docile species and can be handled well even by inexperienced beginners. They reach a span of upto 5 inches and are a taste to the viewers' eyes.

  7. King Baboon - Though this species carries a funny name it is a fairly dangerous species. It is an aggressive family reaching large sizes of upto 9 inches. These make great displays but should be left alone than handled very often. They are mostly reddish brown in color and very active despite the size.

  8. Cobalt Blue - As the name signifies these are a bright blue colored family which could be mistook for Black. They are fairly smaller, reaching a span of upto 5 inches and extremely agile and aggressive. They can make a great pet for an experienced handler and need very less attention. They are a super fast class and can be veryy skittish and hence should be sparingly handled.

  9. Goliaths - These are broadly known as the Bird Eating Tarantulas and are the largest members of the tarantula family. They reach a span of upto 12 inches and are the most aggressive members known in the species. They can be housed by experienced handlers. Due to their aggressive nature they need to be handled as less as possible or never at all.

  10. Green Bottle Blue - These are a most wanted class of tarantulas for exotic pet lovers and collectors due to its colorful outlook. They have Bright Blue legs and cape and an orange colored abdomen making them a feast for the eyes of the beholder. They are a non aggressive easy to handle class which makes them a choice for any kind of a handler.

As in my previous blogs I would love to thank my fellow MSians namely @Emptor, @Cindy, @Ansumanmaini, @shblr92, @earnestaster for the encouragement shown to me by them on my blogs.

Tags :
spiders, arachnids, tarantulas, pet
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