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Member Since:Feb 22, 2009
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''LIVE LIFE A DAY AT A TIME.''. Music, books, beauty, art, biking, trekking, wild life and a lot of other things that give you a feeling of victory in peace.
About Me
Education: MA
Food and Drinks: Anything edible and anything that can get to your headBooks: Paulo coelo's work and science fictionsMovie Stars: Nasruddin Shah, Sir Conan Doyle, Robin WilliamsMovies: What dreams may come, A beautiful mindMusic: Rock, Retro, Metal, Trance.Quotes: It's the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter. - Marlene Dietrich
Food and Drinks: Anything edible and anything that can get to your head
Books: Paulo coelo's work and science fictions
Movie Stars: Nasruddin Shah, Sir Conan Doyle, Robin Williams
Movies: What dreams may come, A beautiful mind
Music: Rock, Retro, Metal, Trance.
Quotes: It's the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter. - Marlene Dietrich
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Yamaha Fazer - A great ride!!!!!!
Reviewed Yamaha Fazer
With the increase in the fuel prices I had to rethink about my riding. I own a Royal Enfield Bullet(500CC-Limited Edition 1990) model, which by my heart is thRead more...
A lovely hangout...... Cuppa Indranagar!!!!!!!!!!
Reviewed Cuppa - BTM Layout - Bangalore
I am an ardent coffee drinker (and most of you know I smoke from my Mantri review). I visit coffee shops a lot because I dont take milk with my coffee -Read more...
The worst experience in malls ever!!!!!!!
Reviewed Mantri Square Mall - Malleshwaram - Bangalore
After hearing all the praises for the Mantri Square, my family and I decided that it was time for a visit. We were looking forward to have a quiet family timeRead more...
MTS MBlaze - The name is read as eMpTy iS MBlaze
Reviewed MTS MBlaze
I got an MBlaze connection from MTS around three months back. I had heard a great deal about the speed, connectivity and tariff. With the belief that it will Read more...
Not what I expected of Dan Brown I would say
Reviewed Lost Symbol, The - Dan Brown
Mr.Robert Langdon is back and again he is running behind something and someone is about  die. Isnt this what he was doing in both the books writtn by BrRead more...
Life, Love Sex and Reality -> Spiritual Reality
Reviewed Eleven Minutes - Paulo Coelho
Maria who is on journey to find what true love is but ends up letting her own life guide her. She enters a life that leads her down the path of sexual awakeniRead more...
A sneak peek - Sharukh to play Rajnikanth
Reviewed Billu
Its been a month since Director Priyadarshans Billu Barber has been released.Besides directed by a great director this film has a great star casttoo. ThRead more...
Then just posing........................now POSIN
Reviewed Slumdog Millionaire
Just months ago she was a nobody, but with the eight Oscar sweep by her debut film Slumdog Millionaire, Indian model-turned-actress Freida Pinto is now hot prRead more...
Not 5 but 1 wierd favorite - Kopi Luwak
Reviewed Five Favourite Beverages
Kopi Luwakor Civet coffee is coffee made from coffee berries which have been eaten by and passed through the digestive tract of the Asian Palm Civet(ParadoxurRead more...
Man trying to be God - Animal hybridization
Reviewed Technology-Boon or Bane
*10 of the Best hybrids in animals..... SEE MY PHOTOS FOR SOME PHOTOS OF THESE BEAUTIFUL BUT UNIMAGINABLE BEASTS.......... We are humans not God to create lRead more...
Love/Anti Love pills under experiment............
Reviewed Tips on Buying Medicines
Pop a love pill, and you are on. And pop an anti-love pill, you are done - without any lingering emotions. Scientists say it will soon be possible to fall inRead more...
Apart from Mrs Bachan nothing's really new
Reviewed The Pink Panther 2
Cast: Steve Martin, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Andy Garcia, Alfred Molina, Jean Reno Filled with juvenile gags involving a wobbly wine rack, and one involving sRead more...
Painfully Slow
Reviewed Siddharth - The Prisoner
Siddharth The Prisoner is a film with a half-decent premise, but its so agonizingly snail-paced, you cant be blamed for nodding off to sleep in yoRead more...
Reviewed Quitting Alcohol
A drug prescribed for infertility and menstrual disorders could inadvertently treat alcohol addiction, says a new study. window. Researchers at the UniversitRead more...
Wills the brand of all classes...now cheaper
Reviewed Wills
Wills, is and will be the brand for all classes in India. Anybody who like to smoke a slightly harder brand prefer to smoke Wills. We get Wills in King size(lRead more...
Park Hyatt........Haven for couples
Reviewed Park Hyatt Resort and Spa - Goa
A few minutes drive from Vasco lies the city of Cansaulim. This is where lies the Park Hyatt Resort and Spa. Set on the whole of the Arossim beach the resort Read more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Commented on fenil_seta's review
Great Job @Fenil_Seta. Fenil, I really thought this movie is just another exotic scenes jog. You review has given me a different outlook of it. Now I feel I should take a day out and watch it. Keep 'em coming!!!!!! Cheers..............
Rated on fenil_seta's review
Commented on own article
@Tori_Nikki - I agree They sure are, aren't they....
Cute, Playful and Friendly
Commented on anshumanmaini's review
The review and the book are quite attention grabbing. I have read both the books and I am desperately waiting for Book 3 - The Oath of the Vayuputras. Amish Thripathi says that he will have it out by the end of 2012, which is turning out to be quite a wait. @anshumanmaini, This is definitely one Read More...
Rated on anshumanmaini's review
@vasidevbehere Believe me a lot of people do think they are rats..... Thanks for the visit
Thanks @emptor Hope these dont creep you as much as my previuos blogs. @anshumanmaini You are right about the pictures being added by the blogger(i.e me) however the positioning is done by the MS support. They would have to move it on the blog template so the photos dont eat up the text space.
@anshumanmaini I didn't quite get the drift your comment mate.
After bringing about a new outlook to Heavy Petting, with the creepy-crawlies let me move to a slightly more cute category. We have seen that dangerous creatures can be kept as pets in my previous 3 blogs. These are not the only categories that can be listed as Exotic, however. There are Read more...
Followed carbideman
Commented on carbideman's review
You have some writing skills my friend. This is a great write-up for the movie. Loved the way you have given an insight into the characters and the choice.. No doubt it is ROD material.... Congratz. Cheers!!!!
Rated on carbideman's review
Rated on singurpeet's review
Commented on singurpeet's review
I had ordered for a book for myself a couple of weeks back as a gift for my colleague and it arrived just on time for his b’day........ Really what are you trying to say..... And to see that Sulekha has thanked you..... Irony to the extent beyond unbelievable..... Please stop this idiocracy because Read More...
@earnestaster I am not a professional Biologist but am an ardent collector(if you shud call me that)..... I have had a few of these as pets and I love to find them and house them.... I also work towards rehabilitating a lot of these wild creatures that get attacked and are hurt. So this is more or l Read More...
An Escapist Class of Pets - Spiders
Followed anjanapillaim
(Updated Apr 27, 2012)
Now, as promised, to get to writing about the species I have waited for most. Spiders are a very broad range and have a lot of divisions in the genus and class. There a few numbered species like the "Black Widow" which are not sought out as pets. The most wanted class of Spiders kept as pets are the Read more...
Pet Lover @cindy I am a big animal lover. I have had varied pets at home. Hamsters, guinea pigs, snake, dogs, cats, rats, squirrels, turtles, fish, spiders; all of these have been my pets. Now though I have the snake, hamsters and dogs which I hold very close to my heart.
Deadly and Beautiful - Snakes as Pets : Second Edition
Followed prad_v31815 , shblr92
Sure @cindy I sure will post a pic of my pet on MS quite shortly. I am just adding the @ symbol so that you get a notification of the post. Don't mind that.
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PawanAshar (@PawanAsharMouthShut Verified Member)
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Nishant Gupta (@OnsitegoMouthShut Verified Member)
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ankit sharma (@ankitjaspercolinMouthShut Verified Member)
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Lokesh Raj (@lokeshadvocate5MouthShut Verified Member)
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