An irksome thought flitted through my mind
That God and Heaven might not really exist;
All we are told to believe is a blatant myth
To keep us good, honest, pure and holy.
Nothing befalls us of cosmic significance
Once we slough off our cares forever!
It gave my mind and soul no peace to feel so;
It was saddening to say the least for it meant
Our lives had no maqsad, and we had no hope,
No savor or joy, no direction, no ultimate purpose.
Existence was a long, prolonged dreary event,
Pointless, silly, arrhythmic, and just bovine!
Then I recalled how human race is inventive!
If God didn’t exist, we just had to invent him,
Give Him human shape and corporeal form,
Worship Him, adore Him and write great tomes
Extolling His virtues and noble attributes
That goad us into submission and emulation!
Human inventions praise the fertile brain of man
But great discoveries are the triumph of our Spirit.
Our happiness can only be when we truly evolve
And God converts from a mere cerebral invention
To a priceless discovery of our spiritual pursuit,
Controlling our endless destinies till the end of time!