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By: Dinzaach82 | Posted: Sep 15, 2009 | Poem | 632 Views (Updated Sep 16, 2009)

Hello Friends,

The last couple of months are bit busy and I am somewhat tensed to some of the situations in life's surrondings. May be I am taking it more seriously or may be to lightly. My overall thinking process is going hay wire and may be loosing gournds within! No, everything in my family is alright and there is no problem what so ever (Touch wood) but somehow I am trying to find my self.

The present poem is a mixture of thoughts in my mind that made their way to the paper.

Please please please read those lines and let me know as to how you felt about it. Lets meet you in the comments section.

And we all are....

Along side the road, I saw a little boy,

He was timid and was a little shy.

Bang! on the door, and his face asked me in many ways,

"Feeling very hungry and Nothing I had from days".

Gave him few alms and he flew away,

Felt a bit happy to blow his hunger away.

Some feelings are now creeping in my mind,

Are we any different from the boy that I left behind?

All of us are hungry and always want something,

Right from the birth, till the deaDly ending....

We need father to look after us and to share his wage,

We expect mother to feed our tummies till her old age.

Sisters and brothers we need to cater our needs,

Relations we need to complete our deeds.

We look for teachers to get their knowledge,

We need their teachings to excel through age.

Always want friends to defend our rage,

They are the best when we need to guage. (self)

Careers we make and need everyone,

Life is nothing without the presense of none.

All our lives we almost keep begging,

Some hands are folded and some appear pleading.

In some way or the other we all are poor,

We might have plenty but always need some more.

In a journey to seek our bread and butter,

Its awful how differently do we appear.

Concealing our identity from each other,

We are nothing, but we all are a beggar!

Dinesh Acharya


Thank you all of you.

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