Even after 65 Yrs of Independence,We Indians have failed to have a proper System to govern our self.We have a Constitution which is heavily browed from Americans n British.India ranks 90th in world in terms of corrupt practices,which speaks of the Corruption that this Nation indulges.Corruption during Liencse raj was understandble but in days of Free market?Well are masters at inventing ways to subvert the laws.Out of the 520 MPs more than 1/4th are criminals,pray who have elected them,The Citizen.Next we have a Huge Bureacractic babus who need bakshish everytime we visit them,work or no work.
We have some Laws that are as old as 1850s which have never been revised,but now to fight corruption,we have two warring parties,The GOI of the Day n The Civil Society.Each one outdoing the other with their antics n creating a Tamasha for the whole nation.Well as Indian Cricket team loss in UK,we do need some entertainment this nation.There are not many movies,another great entertainer for Indians,during these times.
India against Corruption by the Civil Society Members like Santosh Hegde,Prashant Bhushan,Arvind Kejriwal,Kiran Bedi n others;the most prominent is Anna Hazare.They have cleared stated their Opinion by the statement that "We have all come together to force/request/persuade/pressurize the Government to enact the Jan Lokpal Bill." which itself is undemocratic n undermines the Law of the Land.
The crux of the Problem is we have a system in place which is not implemented properly n we have these educated goons who create new systems instead of strengthening the current system. Hedge Was Lokayuta of Karnataka n many a times played around the drama of resignation to get his Points across, without using the system properly.Similarly Kiran Bedi is a Retd. IPS officer who knows the system as the back of her hand, but still yearns for a new system, when we know the good she had done using the same system.
With all due respect to the anti-corruption agitation n the crusade by Anna Hazare,I feel they are acting like a Kids who threatens parents for new toys.Anna Hazare is using fast as a threat to get his way across,which I feel is definitely not a good sign for the future.I am not sure how many of the howlers at these protest marches are themselves not a part of the corrupt system.Are U asking me?Well I cannot deny that I have not used corrupt means to get some works done.How many a times we have not used moolahs to by pass the laws? Do we not litters the roads,where as we clean out houses?How many of us actually stop at Red signal when the Cop is not around?How many times have we taken the short Cut route,instead of the round about route? How many of us have undervalued the rent we get to avoid taxtion? Or How many of Us have Overvalued the rent to get HRA benifits from the companies we work? How many of us have not paid donation for our kids’ education?Or For that Matter, Have Ur kids not attended any tuition? Did we not pay an extra 10-50 for the Gas Agency Guy for the gas? Bakshish...
In these above situations,where does the Politician Contribute to Corruption? It is we who contribute to the increase of Corruption.So let’s not blame the Politicians n they have not come from Jupiter or Saturn.In this country people can get away with anything even murder,provided they have money n power.They need not be Politicians.
If the Salient feature of the Bill put out by the Anna Team or that of the GOI are looked at we find many of the Features existing.But My Question is How can bodies like Supreme Court n Election Commission under the Payroll of the GOI, be independent of the GOI? If they can devise a system to complete the trail of corrupt in 2 years let them ensure the same system to the lakhs of cases pending in courts today n show us the miracles of this system.The corrupt persons property can be confiscated even now, what is new that is being proposed? I find the system is being made redundant n a parallel system of investigation is being set up.
I cannot understand the Idea of Merger of , CVC n CBI whose goals or mission are different n increase their burden by add this new System.I also find it ridicule to find that the citizen will be prosecuted if found that the complaint against Govt. Servant is false. All NGOs will be covered under the Lokpal, but only about 1% of Govt. Employees will be covered under Lokpal. The proposed Lokal of GOI is a toothless one, just like the CAG, an advisory body with out any real powers to take action.Are these set of people looking for jobs like the umpteen number of consultants who crop up once they retire from the Govt. Jobs.
Tags :
Citizens, jan, anna, anti-corruption, lokpal, hazare, goi