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By: nawalucuteboy | Posted: Oct 10, 2011 | General | 175 Views (Updated Dec 07, 2011)

Its just waste of time adding chemicals when there wont be reactions...

so when u say u dont care and the suck thingie.. boy u are so very wrong..

life is all about word games.. the right words get u right things in life..

... anyways cutting short to my philosophies whihc I assume to have lost to quite an extent that keeps me mum all the times now a days..

life is all about choices for sure..

there are somethigns in life that are meant to be adn there are some things in life that are meant to be and there are twists and turns or wateva.. u know wat am talkin about.. not assuming here.. I know u do... ;)

its simple.. theres A + B = C

A are sumthings meant to be

B ae things u need to make them whateva they are..

C is the outcome .. that anione cld tell..

A has to be in place and so has to be B for the C to result..

its just matter of time... A will take place no matter wat..

B has to worked upon by us...

C is a combo of both A and B, However its upto you to decide what B is thus resulting ther outcome C

Its simple game of x + y = z , the algebra tha twe learnt in school..

Now I jsut hope I am not doing balwaas or lsot my touch for am lil druck.. down half a boottle of Jd.. he he he.. goodness gracious I am hopin my philosophy of life is in place... waiting anxiously to hear u on this thingie.. :P

Cheers m8 !!!

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