I bought the Aqua Globe product after being recommended by a friend. I had to go on a work related leave for @ 10 days and I had 4 plants including a tulsi to take care of. Hardly in touch with neighbours in a new apartment building, I was at a loss for ideas. Until I came across Aqua Globe product from watermyplants.in.
Aqua Globe is a global product and has a good review. The watermyplants site also gives links to various reviews & videos. So I was okay with the experiment
I ordered two sizes - mini and regular since I had 3 plants in very small pots while tulsi was in a medium size pot. The order promptly arrived.
The aqua globes arrived in various colours - green, blue, red with dotted white bubbles. Are made up of glass so one has to be careful.
Did some experimentation per instructions provided and the aqua globes started working. Experimented for @ 7 days before leaving. On the d-day, I adequately watered my pots, inserted the aqua globes and left with a prayer.
10 days later upon my arrival first thing I did was to dash towards my plants. Two aqua globe minis were over, one had some water left & the regular size aqua globe was almost empty.
And the plants -- were all green!!
Great products. Highly recommend. Worth the cost