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Member Since:Apr 06, 2009
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I almost loved it until the agony set in
Reviewed Fiat Linea
CASE: I went ahead and purchased Fiat Linea Emotion Pack Petrol from Bharati Automobiles, Jogeshwari(E), Mumbai in September 2010. Before that I had done myRead more...
Pathetic Customer Service !
Reviewed Eureka Forbes Reviva Ro + Uv + Tds Controller 8 L Water Purifier
Pure water is necessary or what.? Brief: a. The aqua guard goes bad. b. Only after 6 days & more than 20 calls and follow-ups later, a customer service guyRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
I bought the Aqua Globe product after being recommended by a friend. I had to go on a work related leave for @ 10 days and I had 4 plants including a tulsi to take care of. Hardly in touch with neighbours in a new apartment building, I was at a loss for ideas. Until I came across Aqua Globe product Read more...
Commented on own review
Thank you all for your inputs. 1. I had checked for the concept of a 'lemon' earlier. I am not sure the concept exists in India? I may be wrong... 2. In the reviews that I had read, I understood that Fiat had quality problems but since January 10, they had started working on quality issues on Read More...
Commented on ashwanee's article
Absolute Rubbish Huge Disappointment really. A Rubbish Remake.
Review 2 - phir mile sur
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