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By: kdrocks | Posted: Dec 07, 2011 | General | 1655 Views (Updated Dec 07, 2011)

Recently I was roaming on the streets near handloom house in the fort area where I got hold of a book called ‘Attention seekers or leechers?” written by a less known author called A.singh. Out of curiosity I just fumbled some of the pages and I found out many amazing facts regarding different types of people who can be termed as “Attention seekers” and some “Attention Leechers" I realised that many of the facts written in it matched so many things that we get to experience here on MS as well as on other social networking sites too. I am not an expert like Mr.A.Singh but let me categorize the type of attention seekers that I have noticed on these sites.

A) There are certain attention seekers, who try to grab attention by projecting themselves in a big way by showcasing their pretentious and ostentatious talent and status by way of showing attitude, and behaviour that is sometimes arrogant, using pseudo superior language that goes over the top of many. Sometimes they themselves cannot fathom what they are trying to convey.tch tch, they are not made for the masses but for a selected few that are as great like them and hence they don’t get much recognition which hurts their ego from within. Aw, so much for class, am I missing it? Nah!!!!!

B) Certain attention seekers can be put in the irritating category. They irritate you by sending you bulletins every time. They leave no chance to make you recognize about their writings. The height of irritability is seen when their works get recognized by way of getting “FB” and “ROD” .They get mad and start dancing. It’s okay if they keep their madness to themselves but when you get SMSes from them on your cell phone stating that their particular blog has got the “FB” status and their review has got “ROD” and then when they urge you to come over there and comment and congratulate then I feel like spanking them. I can understand this attitude because they are very much excited on getting the recognition but what about the privacy of others? And these types of attention seekers are the so called well known personalities, tch tch, what about etiquette sir?

C) Certain attention seekers on some sites lack self confidence and self esteem and hence depend upon their sycophants to support them in any matter in which they are entangled in. They have a mutual understanding to support each other in every matter whether right or wrong. Then it becomes a very classy group of mutual sycophants. There’s nothing objectionable in that because sycophancy is prevailing since ages in every field.

D) Certain attention seekers are sadists and pessimists in every walk of life. They are frustrated, wandering and leer-ing souls. So much so that according to Mr.A.Singh such persons in spite of being of a ripe age, happily married with children find solace in flirting with other women and luring them. He says that on social networking sites like Facebook he has seen many married men writing in their info that they are interested in “WOMEN” .As mentioned in the book, he had spoken with one such individual on a personal level. Just look at the short question and answer session between them given below:-

A.Singh; - Hello Sir, you are happily married then why do you wander here and there like a horny in pursuit of women?

The Individual: - Sir, it’s all about choice and variety.

A.Singh :- But aren’t you happy with your married life?

The Individual: - Please refer to my answer aboveJ))

A.Singh :- What if your better half notices this on Facebook and other sites and then posts something in her info that she is interested in “MEN”?

The Individual: - My better half is not present on any social networking sites so she will never know. Hahahaha.

A.Singh:- Your last answer was quite clever. But tell me what if your grown-up children notice this on the sites?

The Individual: - Oh Come on Mr.Singh, I never allow them to access any damn good for nothing networking sites, they spoil you.

A.Singh:- Then aren’t you spoilt?

The Individual: - Please Mr. Singh just refer to my above answer, the first one :))

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