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By: kdrocks | Posted: Dec 09, 2011 | General | 2005 Views (Updated Dec 09, 2011)

Hello friends, I always believe that good reigns over the bad in almost everything in life. My parents, teachers, various holy books etc have always projected this fact and taught me this very important lesson of life, but in some places I have seen that some people choose bad over good. I am happy that on MS a majority of people choose the good and I am happy for that and thank all such people. I am a person who takes everything in his stride and enjoys life as it unfolds. I too am impulsive at times and get angry but then that’s a natural phenomena and no man is perfect. I basically am a very calm and uncontroversial person but my blood boils when I see people unprovokingly indulging in scornfully insulting the whole “mankind”.

A few days back a very ugly blog was posted by a member that was derogatory, scornful and satirical and which insulted and targeted some particular MS members without any provocation from them. It was only in response to this particular derogatory blog that I posted a blog titled “Attention seekers or leechers” I got a fair response to this blog of mine which was targeted towards this person as well as towards some other general members.

In response to my blog this person went mad and then yesterday he posted a blog in the form of a song but this time the major difference was that this person stooped to the most condemnable low level. He used slang words, posted vulgar and pornographic comments, and directly indulged in character assassination. He started mentioning about the bodily functions in an offensive way. He tried to make fun of a person suffering from an eye disease. He tried to tarnish and malign the sanctity of the sacred relationships between a brother and sister in general by using offensive phrases. The only heartening thing in this entire episode was that only a very few members went to that post and commented on it and that made my belief much stronger that bad can never reign over good. I have never ever posted any vulgar comments or used any slang words or posted anything pornographic content in any of my posts no matter what. I can never stoop to such a level. It’s not in my blood and majority of people who know me know that.

By indulging in posting vulgar contents, writing pornographic comments, uttering slang words and by trying to tarnish the sanctity of a sacred relationship and indulging in unjust character assassination this person actually showed his dark side of personality to everyone and that’s the reason that many members didn’t comment over there. Some of the prominent members have pressed the like button on the blog by liking the blog and also by pressing the like button against the pornographic comments.

Many of my close friends who were friends with me much earlier than they were friends with this guy, whole heartedly supported this person by commenting on his post In spite of knowing what he had written in his blog and hence they supported and seconded the vulgarism, the pornographic content, the slang words, the trying to tatter the sacred social relationships that we all bear. Will anyone tolerate anything spoken about their own sisters, brothers, mother and father? Just think.

Last but not the least my once upon a time close friends chose to stick to such a person. I distrusted them but in spite of distrusting them I will sincerely pray to God that their equation with this person always remains intact. In future say for some reason it falls apart then you never know what will happen. Nothing is permanent in virtual world not even relationships. May God bless them all. In the end I would say from my side is that if you vulgarly and pornographically abuse me by your comments, try to hit me below the belt and try to assassinate my character then I don’t become what you project about me. My life is like an open book which is scattered here in my blogs on MS. I have nothing to prove. Those who know me, know me very well but what about this person who has indulged in all these and what about the other people who have seconded him? Didn’t the people here see their side? It is very well said that “A man is known by the company that he keeps” Who gained what and who lost what?

Peace, tranquillity and equality to all.

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