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By: vijaychakra_62277771 | Posted: Sep 02, 2008 | True experienece | 290 Views

(1)Recently while I was on Tour to Coimbatore, I thought of visiting ISKCON Sri Krishna Temple there.I Kept asking local people about its location and route map.It seems most of local fellows not aware of it .When I enquired one of shop keeper, he could told me about location and route.I was told that is was very close to main road.So after getting down from Bus,I kept walking towards temple.When I asked local person, I was told it will be around 2-3 KM away and no vehciles were plying in that area.I felt bit tired and started chanting hare Krishna Mantra while walking under hot sun (around 12 noon).Sudedenly one person with motorbike appeared infront of me and offered me to take me to temple.I was really astonished and prayed Lord Krishna for His Greatness and thanked motorbike fellow.God is Great!

(2)I had booked my air ticket to attend my interview by 9.30 AM at one of major town in TN by Paramount Airways for the flight scheduled in early morning.But I got message from same airways about rescedule of same flight by 9.30 AM due to smoe technical reasons.When I explianed about my urgent need and purpse of travel, one of customer care officer of Paramount Airways could arrange at higher price of air ticket in another competetor's flight at thier own cost immidiately and I could attend the interview well in time.I appreciate the timely support and sensitivity to customers needs with thier good customer support services.Hats off to Paramount Air ways.

(3)I had worked with managerial jobs with Quasi Govt,Private sector and MNCs.I had to work for selfish interests of boss rather than for organization needs.I had become scape goat at times due to dirty office politiks and mindless bossism.I had bitter experience of passing all my office anger,anxiety and tension to my family members/friends in some occassions.It has caused great damage to my professional as well as personnel life at many times.But offlate I realized the great mistake and started doing mind control exercises as taught by Art of Living sessions by Sri Ravi Shankar.It helped lot to bring back my life on tracks .I need to work more to equip myself with detachment and for leading more purposeful life.I am in look out for Good NGO at Chennai to meet my family needs and to get better job satisfaction.If any of our members has contacts, pl help me out.

Tags :
wanted, more, job, Satisfaction, and, meaningful, life
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