Hi, Did U notice gimmikcks played even by your own elected Govt in India in the matter of frequent Price hikes?When the world Crude prices are gone up, our beloved Govt hiked the price of petrol in India several times in last few months.But when world Oil prices are down, why there is no decrease in Petrol prices for consumers?Is it not day light robbery or fooling the general public of India.Why not either any of political parties fight for proper justice?So no one come forward to save you from such practices.It is You, Me and every victim of such unfair practices shall unite and join hands to stop usage of Petrol atleast once a week to make our silent protest to ruling Govt to highlight thier inefficiences and callous attitude towards Poor and help less citizens of India.There must be active participation by each and every individual of country (even some of us get reimbursed by thier companies) to voice our strength of unity for Good cause seeking proper justice.This will result stocks piling up at Oil traders and reducing the imports.Walk to your office/market atleast once a week...it gives good health and more money in your hand.Let us try and make it success.Come on and pl join hands...Vijay, Chennai
Tags :
pl, Join, hands, for, good, Cause