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By: yogesh_dhandharia | Posted: Sep 19, 2009 | General | 407 Views

Today online earning sites are growing like mushrooms, every other day you will find new sites coming up promising a sum on registration and then you need to click on Ads or read paid emails to get money credited your account.

Question here is, do these sites really pay ?????????

Well, the answer is very dicy, because there is a history of bad experiences with these sites where people have spent much of their precious time clicking these ads and finally ending up with nothing, this gives them a feeling of being cheated, worst is that if you recommend a friend to earn the reference bonus and he ends up getting nothing then you become unanswerable giving only excuses.

To better answer this question I want to point to some websites where you can atleast get an idea that these sites are scam or not, atleast before getting started to these websites you can atleast check their ratings and forum posts to confirm whether you are dealing with the right online earning site or just another scam website.

Check the below links to find the SCAMMERS list

Ligitimate online earning sites

Trusted ways of Earning Money online

These questions can never be completely answered by anybody but as per my experience as I also was doing the PTC, Read mails from these so called sites but till date have not earned a single penny, hence I did a lot of research on this and based on my findings I have made this Diary.

Hope it guides some of you and I am of some help to you all.

Tags :
online, earning
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