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Member Since:Sep 26, 2004
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Education: BE/B.Tech
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Best Supernatural Fiction series
Reviewed Pirates of the Caribbean
*A short Background on the Film Pirates of the Caribbean is a series of adventure films directed by Gore Verbinski, written by Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio aRead more...
Best Small Sleek Centrino Tablet to Own
Reviewed HP Compaq tc4200 Tablet PC (EJ912PA)
I am using HP Compaq tc4200 tablet from last three years and I am really satisfied with the performance that it gives. The impression youll get when yoRead more...
A very good tale of Fairies and Fiction
Reviewed Faraway Tree, The - Enid Blyton
Enid Blyton is the famous writer who wrote fabulous children books like Noddy, Famous Five etc. The Story.Joe, Beth and Frannie move to the country when theiRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
P7P55D Deluxe youll get all the features and benefits that the P55 chipset has to offer, and then some more. The Motherboard offers a wise variety of features when it comes to overclocking and as such the board really is targeted at the somewhat more advanced end user. The BIOS is a great for Read more...
Today online earning sites are growing like mushrooms, every other day you will find new sites coming up promising a sum on registration and then you need to click on Ads or read paid emails to get money credited your account. Question here is, do these sites really pay ????????? Well, the answer Read more...
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