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By: deepak27 | Posted: Nov 14, 2011 | MSians | 2363 Views

As we enter the Grand Finale of the inaugural BigMate season, its not without an impending sense of nostalgia. Believe me, in spite of the midnight candle-burning sessions put in by the organizers and the InMates, we'd have loved to see more of the Contest. To field more participants. To have bigger fun. Thats what BigMate has been all about. So for the final time…

Khol do Dil ke saare gate…BigMate…BigMate…BigMate… !!

True to our promise, we have a wildcard for you. And this Wildcard is as good as they come. Ladies and Gentlemen please join me in welcoming Vineet Amin @Nirvana. as our wildcard participant. He is one of the most enigmatic MSians around, with a huge reputation preceding him wherever he goes.

The other 3 finalists @jains24 @SG21 @viratbond better watch out. However to be fair to the other InMates who have been through Heaven and Hell to get this far in the contest, Vineet's final scores would be deducted by 15% in order to create a level playing field.

So if you're Itching, lets get B*tching !!

The current episode is all about having fun, not only by the InMates and the jury but most importantly the crowd. And since its the ultimate round, its only befitting that the Junta should have a bigger, nay the Biggest say !

The topic is :- An Agony Aunt column. So what's an agony aunt?

Definition: An agony aunt is a person who answers questions and offers advice on personal problems to people who write in !!!

We'll call it this the AgonyMate Column. The jury and the crowd will be expected to ask questions just like any other Agony Aunt column (refer illustration in comments below). The questions need not necessarily be related to your problems, they can be problems faced by your friends, or you can even make up a problem to keep our finalists busy ;)

The InMates are expected to provide solutions to these problems. Every query can be answered by any number of InMates according to their comfort. Queries can also be addressed to a specific InMate in which case he will necessarily have to answer whether others do so or not.

Inmates will be evaluated upon the quality of their responses and innovation in solutions.

We hope the readers will share all their problems, real and fictional. Let this be a one stop clinic for all your problems with solutions provided by the world renowned team of psychologists Drs. Nehru, Jain, Gupta and Amin.

In order to maintain order & easy readability and avoid confusion, it is requested that every query should be numbered in serial order. In case someone posts a query before you, please edit your query no. to ensure the numbering is maintained. InMates are requested to refer to the name of person asking the question and query no. while answering.

So dear MSians please post your queries to our finalists and they will rock you with their answers.

Have a great time :)

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