The day starts from geting up late. Hurrying to work half eaten sandwich (my breakfast!) clutched in my fist. And finally making it to the bus stop barely on time to face an overstuffed bus.
People struggling to manage a foothold, maybe on the cost of other's feet only ;). Now comes the real challenge. Braving the gruelling bus ride for an hour almost with Delhi's pot holed roads, traffic jams, red lights (BRT Corridors adding insult to injury !!). Finally reaching the destination (Office) stinking like pig in a complete mess.
Office again sucks out the rest of my energy level by devoting full 9 hrs glued to my computer slouching on my chair. Snacking in between the meals, doing my favourite pass time office bitching leads to regular bouts indigestion & gastric. Thank god to some natural digestives available in the market (I prefer Eno Digesure) I am relieved. Time to leave office and I shudder with the thoughts of bus ride back home.phew..!!
I am a dead bird once back home with a nagging backache....a warm massage of Iodex Double Power from mom ....and I am ready to shoot for work again. I am very sure that many people do face problem like me and I am not an alien in this world of life style probs! :)