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By: Cattie | Posted: Oct 05, 2012 | General | 1180 Views (Updated Oct 05, 2012)

Hey Guys !!

What is happening to dis crazy little world of ours ?? We seem to be real ‘Moving On’, in all directions. Suddenly there seems to be ‘No Time’ !! where has precious ‘Time’ gone ?? Everyone is ‘busy’ ?? Well I can say I am truly busy !! Either at Office or on Net !! But wait !!, I have not had the time to visit my 2 Fav Sites since ages now…..But I can’t help it !!!!!!!!! U see, the minute I Login into my E-Mail, I am somehow ‘hypnotised’ by some ‘Online Shopping Site’ advertisement, whose ‘clever links’, ensure that I get lost in ‘their Space’. Or even if I visit FB or MS, there are Ads all over the place………..& how do U guys expect dis poor, “tired of shopping” Cat, to do anything else on the Net ?? Gawd, all I can think of nowadays is Online Shopping !! Did U see that ‘Jabong Ad’, where the doorbell rings & the courier man is standing with ‘Jabong Courier Boxes’ & the gurl screams with excitement, seeing her shopping parcels, delivered to her doorstep. BSF, when my family sees this Ad, everyone chorus the same line “There’s Our Cattie” .

Well, here’s some real dishy woki dokki things I observed & wanna share with U guys, hope U’ll enjoy it. Guys & Gurls & Gays, the latest trend in our society today. Its real difficult to make out whose who !! I noticed the college gurlies have this new style of carrying their backpacks (not back) but on the front, while getting into trains or walking (Well protecting their B…., Maybe !!). I once passed by a dude wearing his college bag the same way, Front !! Now tell me, “What was he trying to protect ??.....” . Well ‘Top’ is not significant, so I followed the bag, all the way down, till the bottom….& hey, I got it !! The bag ended somewhere below his jeans belt !! Now Dat’s It !! hehe!!

The era of multi-tasking has firmly set into our way of life, hats off to those Mgmt people who multi task home & office, business & pleasure all at the same time !! U know, I was wondering about when “ The First Multi-Tasking’, started in dis planet. And guess wat’s the answer ?? Man First Started Multi-Tasking, when ‘he’ took to reading his morning newspaper on his ‘commode’. !! Howz Dat !! hehe!! Whose got better answers, pls share it here in the remarks!!

From the horde of movies, I quite like ‘Vicky Donor’. Hehe!! Wish I was a Guy !! hehe!! U Guys have all the Luck yaar !! Wat a Cool Easy Way to Earn Money….sell ur sperms at sperm banks !! Wat a flabbergast idea, the director of dat moview sold to the College Dudes !! hehe!! Barfi was real good yaar !! Ranbir is so cool in the dumb & deaf roles, he should continue with the same!! Piggy Chops (PC) was at her Beauty Best in her role, Luved Her !! On the TV, my fav serial still continues to be “Two and a Half Men” on Star World HD. Uuuff, they are too damn gud yaar, U ROFL for sure !!. A new one’s just hit the screen, “2 Broke Girls”, Ooohhh !! So Good Yaar !! Honestly instead of seeing those crapy emotional soaps that Ektha dishes out, watch these two serials on Star World. The cheeszy Max Darling & her BFF Caroline, it’s a Must Watch, if U come home from office, ‘badly stressed’. These 2 really de-stress U & get U ready for a real gud night sleep !! hehe!!

With petrol prices hiking & no place to park (no place to drive…very soon!!), people are hitting Rickshaw stands a lot in Mumbai. The most lengthiest queues are in the suburbs, where you don’t have the cab. And you have that same old gang of beggars, each standing at their own ‘space’ & everyone in queue have their earphones plugged in, like, no one’s bothered about the time !! As long as they 're ‘chatting’ !!. I was thinking, instead of these rickshaw stand beggars, just plain chanting their regular lines, why not they form a sort of a ‘band’ or ‘entertainment group’ & provide some entertainment to the hundreds of people standing in rickshaw queues ?? Seriously !! they would not only, help provide some cool entertainment, but wud also earn much more coins than what they get now !! Wat Say Guys ?? Cattie Always has some Gud Ideas !!

T-Shirts are getting funnier !! A saw a gurl with a heavy rack, wearing a T-Shirt which said “COMING SOON” !! OMG !! Wanted to go upto her & say “Hey Babe, that T-Shirt, U got on is for the little babes just into their ‘teenage years’! Talking about T-Shirts, the shopping web-sites are stacked with T-shirts, every person out there is selling their brands of T-Shirts !! *

I have a Suggestion here to make to our dear “”.** Hey MS Support, how about having “Mouthshut” Brand T-Shirts sold on InkFruit & Myntra ?? Come On Guys, lets have a “Slogan Contest”, on MS & invite ‘Catchy Slogans’ for our wonderful MS Site. And then our CEO, can get them printed onto Tees & sell them on the popular T-Shirt Sites. Well if “Being Human” can become a Brand Name, why not “MouthShut.Com”. (Hey, Guys, if dis Idea “Sells”, make Cattie your Brand Ambassador !!) hehe!!

Love Cattie

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