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By: Cattie | Posted: Sep 11, 2013 | General | 1065 Views

Guess what Guys, I’ve learnt a lot, since my time-off from MS. Just dying to share it with U all…….Well, almost died in the process of learning……hehehehhehe, Jokes Apart !!

This year has really been some bad luck for me, God Help me ! I survived almost 6 hospital In-Outs !! Finally the Doctors, “threw me out”, as they just could not keep my ‘Yakkity Mouth, Shut’ !!.....hehehehehe !!!!!

Then I was upto all the mischief on the Online Shopping Sites….Gawd, the numbers and numbers of Sites, that we have now !!!!!!!!! Zippie….Zoom…..Zoom!! But tell ya, the ‘Quality’ that you get on these Sites, are just too bad !! They show U all the clothes in ‘bright camera lights’ and on ‘sexy models’, but when U get them at home and look at them, its ‘sheer filmsy, worth one forth the price you paid’, stuff !! Much better to walk into Malls and ‘pick your pick’ from there !! But its Real Fun, Shopping Online, for those of U, who have’nt ‘dared to do it’, till now…….Login and Go………..Into that Online Shops and Experience the Fun and Magic of Shopping with Eyes on ur Screens !! hehheheeehe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cattie Recommends it for Anyone Bored and Lazy !! hehehehhehehehhe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey, how about Movies ?? Sexy Cutie Ranbir Kapoor, is quite a crowd puller……..He’s too Yummy !! after ‘Yeh Jaawani…’, Did U guys see that movie 100 times atleast ?? OMG !! Dat Blockbuster song, “Badtameez Dil”………..can Rock anyone (even in his grave) !! hehhehhehehehhe!!!!!!!!!!!!! And another………..”Fevicol”, of my dearest Kareena……….Heard she’s with the “Baby Bump” now !! Hey Saifu !! U sure are going to have one Cutey Baby soon !!

My newest TV Serial Blockbuster, “Comedy Nights with Kapil” !!!!!!!! OMG !!!!!!!! You can ROFL and Rock and Roll all the way through a Chennai Express, just watching his show on TV (Saturday-Sunday, 10 to 11). Cattie Loves U, Kapil !!!!!!!!!!!!!!. For all of you, who has not yet seen his show, U Better get to your remote on your weekend and “Watch It”, if U wanna be my Buddy !! hehehhehehehe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Office front…………been attending lottsa seminars on ‘Clouds’ and ‘Clouds’ and really guys, except for those royal buffets out there, its like ‘sleeping on the clouds’ in the seminars !!!! hehehehhehehhehe!!!!!!!!!!!

Foodies !! So whatz the latest in town ? The Cooking shows are getting boring, but our Food Bars are still Hot as Spice anywhere U go. Coffees and Iced-teas!! U know the ‘Best Iced Tea’ ?? Try the ‘Black Currant’ one…………Its Yummy !! From Pizza to Pasta to Momos, its getting a bit boring, don’t U think ? Wonder when they are going to start some Japanese Food, U know…..Those Fried Insects inside spring rolls !!!!!!!!!! hehhehehhehehe!!!!!!!!!!! Anyhow, our youngsters are too busy ‘Romancing or Fighting’ at Eateries, so what do they know, what’s going down their mouths ?? hehehhehehhehehe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gawd the way, these little Gurls ‘fight with their little Guys’, these days !!!!! I feel so bad yaar, for all those young BFs of today’s college generation !! Girls are really ‘Controlling’ and doing it ‘very damn well’, I must say !! I often see, the girlies, yelling away on their fones at their BFs…..and pity the poor guy at the receiving end !! Infact, Gurls are the personification of Gifts, these days !! U want a GF, U better be able to buy her a Gift !! Or forget it, Dude, she’ll just walk off, to another BF !! Watta World, we have Today, huh ??

Hey, I’m so happy that those ‘Delhi Rapists’, are getting the Iron Rods on their heads soon, Whatz Sayz Guys ?? Its High Time, those ‘Badtameez’ Log, are Punished Severely for what despicable crime they committed. But mere death sentence alone is not sufficient for such unspeakable crimes !! What Say Guys ?? The Real Punishment for such is for Law and Society is, “To Do to Them, The Very Same Thing, They Did to The poor females”……”Rape Them in Open Society”……………..the same way !! “That” will Put an End to Rapists, All Over the World !! Cattie Strongly recommends this for Rapists !!

Guess, we are seeing a lot of Ads on MS, Good for MS, it really Spices up the Site, with the Tempting Shopping Sites, crying out to U, to Login and Shop and Spend ur hard earned money !! hehehehehehhehe!!!!!!!!!!! Did you Guys, see that new TV Ad ? About some bank robbery, where all the ladies are tied up by the robbers and then ‘The Courier’ comes…………with loads of parcel deliveries for the ladies…………and they all break free and rush to get their Parcels…………and Hey !!...............the robbers are smashed under their pretty shoes !!!!!!!!!! hehehehhehehe!!!!!!!!!!! Just Like Cattie would do !!!!!!!!!!!!!

So then, C Ya All, soon, with some more Masala and Limboozzz !!!!!!!! Till Then Enjoy Mouthshut.Com every day. You get everything down here, to keep U Jazzed Up !!


Cattie, Ur Cat Always !!

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