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By: Veekey | Posted: Jul 30, 2008 | Random | 1681 Views (Updated Jul 30, 2008)

Many of us stopped writing here for reasons known to almost all; it wasn’t an overnight stuff, it indeed was a long process which started sometime in first week of May to be precise and this calls for newcomers and those with whom I have never interacted to shut the fcuk up. Do not litter in my space and do not judge my psyches after reading my previous posts and telling me about my psyche by sending ridiculous M2M.

Today, after long hibernation (chuck my couple of last posts), I am here to say it all. I wonder how and where to start. In one of my posts I had mentioned how I had joined this site and let’s accept that we all at some point of time or other certainly were addicted to it. Those booking, back-scratching, oh-your-review-is-so-good days were part of chores. I was no different. Then few pseudo-intellect and few pseudo-victimized and few pseudo-gods polluted this site. They are not to be blamed as MS played a greater role in providing them with a platform called ‘Diary’. MS behaved like a best friend who listens to you, is there for you, hugs you and then pushes you down the cliff. You might say you too have written diaries. I would reply, of course. But I did not pollute it with gyaan on life, death, friendship, relationships, love, betrayal et al and not to forget those endless rhyming sessions. Few kept quiet (read me), few voiced their irritation only to be told, “if you do not like it, do not read it” which means “do ostrich”. But since when can a human do ostrich? I tried though but bulletin n M2M never let me do that either. How hypocritical.

Today I really want to understand what difference your gyaan can make in the lives of others? Nothing I would say. It is the outlet to your inner woes and nothing else and to which others flock, sympathize and cry in unison. Once done, they all log off, sleep over thinking ‘he/she is my best friend’. It ain’t that way. It was never that way and it will never be that way. This is just a site for chrissake and let it be a site and do not give competition to Ekta Kapoor by turning it into a soap opera of glycerin.

And then once I wished a friend on her anniversary through this medium (I guess I was the first one to wish anyone through a diary post). Everyone clapped and muttered “oh what a friend” and “so sweet” and I smirked. But I did not know it then that I am gonna spoil it rotten. What I see now is people are not just wishing the fellow MSian but the whole kith and kin of their e-relative. Whoa!!! Every Tom, Dick, Harry, Tom’s girlfriend, Dick’s boyfriend, and Harry’s yet-to-be-born is wished here.

MS has turned into a place where people come, whine (count me too if you wish), show off, spam mindlessly in the absence of more livelier real life fun or if they have no one to entertain them in real life they turn to MS in hope of getting entertained and alas there are people available with open arms to entertain such bored souls (don’t count me here; I am not celebrating celibacy as of now).

I see newcomers are taken into the folds as soon as they arrive, brain washed and tuned to act/behave/write/respond like their alma-mater. Their writing and pictures are flooded with words like eternal, angel, dewdrop, so-sweet, mind-blowing, awesome, amazing and the sad part is some of them reciprocate with “that-is-so-cute” and actually ask for more, in which case, of course we stop noticing them at all and move over to hear another melody being played elsewhere.

These were just one kind I came across. There are many more equally interesting kinds.

But I shall rant no more. Cuz I know these things will never stop and so won’t I. Haha. Do not comment if you have nothing invaluable to say. Yes, you read it right.

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