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By: Veekey | Posted: Jun 29, 2008 | General | 1032 Views (Updated Jun 29, 2008)

+9198209xxxxx | Jun 27, 2008 10:48 PM By smartgirl

i love the ceo of he makes my life complete.Quick Reply

What you see above is a so-called one-liner review from "smartgirl" who purportedly is wife of the CEO of and as you see she has written a one-line review on the CEO himself. Wow!!! That's so sweet.

Circa Last week of april. To be precise April 29th, 2008. A Mouthshut member writes a review on another mouthshut member. The pretext was some sports personality if you all remember. What we get to know next is that the review was deleted with the justification that “You cannot write a review on a fellow MSian (mouthshut member)”. Acknowledged. Agreed. Acted upon. Review was once again posted in another category.

I wonder why “smartgirl” has to post that one-line review then. What made her do so? Isn’t that a review on a fellow MSian, considering the CEO and his pretty wife regard themselves like us, a mouthshut member? What possibly could be the rationalization for such an act of pretense to ban a member to write a review on another member and obligate yourself to do the same down the line?

P.S. The two members in question above (one who wrote and the one who was written about) aren’t aware of this post. Apologies to both if I did not take permission. Although I saw this and I had to say this. Period.

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