Far in the sky when I look at you ,I feel a temptaion that you will come forward and shower upon me. I look at you desparately, but there is no signal.
Life moves on hope, as the famous proverb says "As you sow so shall you reap" do that really work. O' dear life do you remember how many times I made someone smile, how many times I move forward to hold someone's hand so that he can step upon, do life really keep accounts. and if it does where is my part of happiness, where is my part of blessing of showers seems dear life u have forgotten to keep my accounts.
why do I expect, I do I keep hope when I know whatever I'll do nothing will come back as return. I know that truth deep within my heart but still I don't change I do whatever I can do my best as a real human being. And offcourse ! I do keep hope.
Sometimes we put seeds at a particular place and expect the plant to come from that place but in real life the plant do comes backbut not at the same place where exactly you put that seed.
keeping hope is human and loosing hope is optional, whatever I still keep hope, hope the cloud of happiness will come and shower upon everyone who is a deserving one.