After Finishing "Kites" Hrithik Roshan, now a days is busy with Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Film Gujarish. Hrithik has totally devoted his time for this new film even day and night. like Aamir he is one of those actors who also does one film at a time and need to get into the character.
Dilipkumar , Naseeruddhin shah uses the same method, after getting complete details about the character they take time to get into it. Sanjeev kumar was an actor who can eat a stomach full of food and the next moment he could be able to portray the character of a poor & hungry man convincingly. There are some writers who first need to set their mood to write, and there are writers who can write even in a crowd.
Well nobody cares which method one follow, the last thing is the output. if you give a convincing output in your creativity, method doesn't matter.
In same way, life gives you an opportunity to go thru ups, downs, pain & happiness. some people handle each of them beautifully. The most important point is how do you sublimate yourself, it may be different for different people. The important thing is you must know how to channelize your energy & creativity into a right stuff.
Overall at the end of the day the final output gives you return not the method.
with love