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By: faizahmed420 | Posted: Jul 30, 2013 | General | 663 Views

Emmett till was an African-American happy go lucky boy from Chicago .Emmet was a fun loving and a cheerful teenager who enjoyed his life like any other teen in his adolescents and was what you call an "Attention seeker".He always used several tactics to impress girls and to be a center of attraction and dominant among his school colleagues and friends.He was the only child of his mother who raised him all by herself,his father died when he was small.

one fine day his great grand uncle visited him at his home in Chicago and invited Emmett and his cousins for a visit to Missisippi delta.Few days later Emmett and his cousins boarded the train to missisippi for a visit to their uncles place.

Missisippi delta was a place where white supremacy was dominant and black people were more or less suppressed.Blacks were not allowed to interact or even glance at any white women walking the streets or have any kind of relations with them.In Missisippi blacks were mostly engaged in doing manual labor,cotton cropping or other kind of less reputed jobs.

Upon arriving in Missisippi Emmett lived at his great uncles place and would often go out chilling with his friends and cousins.One fine day Emmett and his friends visited a small town in Missisippi called Money,there in money was a grocery store named 'Bryant grocery' which was owned by a white couple(Roy and Carolyn bryant) .Emmett and his friends visited the store for refreshments and candies there emmet was boasting about his personality and how he use to have girlfriends and how he impressed girls etc to his friends,one of his friend urged him to prove his claims true by having a chat with a white woman(carolyn bryant) who ran the store,Emmett tried to flirt with Carolyn,on this she became extremely angry and as soon as she went back house and tried to get a pistol,by the time she arrived emmett and his friends had flee away.

Days passed one after the other and the incident was forgotten by emmet and his friends,one fine day carolyns husband roy bryant came to know about the whole scenario,roy bryant and his cousin j.w milam set out for hunting the 'Niger' who tried to allegedly molest his wife.

They came to know about a boy from chicago who stayed at his uncles place,wasting no time they visited emmetts uncle and threatened him with a pistol to keep his mouth shut and took emmett with them in their road carrier and began torturing him by hitting punches and kicks and all sort of ugly weapons with a final blow of the bullet from Roy bryants pistol into Emmett tills head and killed emmett and threw his body into a nearby river. Emmett tills mutiliated body was found 3 days after he was killed,his face was so disfigured that his identification became difficult he was later identified by his uncle by a ring which he wore with the initials 'L.T' on it which was given to him by his mom.

upon arrival his mom identified the body and confessed this is his son Emmett till.

After a long investigation and on testimony of few witnesses roy bryant and j.w milam was arrested,they were charged with kidnap as they told the police they let the boy go after warning him, But later on they were charged with murder of Emmet till.As the trial of both white men begin in front of white audience,white jury and white judges the black people mostly remained fearful of the incident as they feared for their life and thought this could happen to them if they confess in front of white law of Missisippi.Many black men and women were outraged as well as many social and political organizations.Eye Witnesses fearing for their lives refused to testify but two of the witnesses testified against roy bryant(one being Emmett tills great uncle)

but due to lack of evidence and white supremacy the white men were acquitted of the murder charges

against them.

The trial attracted a vast amount of press attention. Bryant and Milam were acquitted of Till's kidnapping and murder, but only months later, in a magazine interview, protected against double jeopardy, they admitted to killing him. Till's murder is noted as a pivotal event motivating the African-American Civil Rights Movement.

Post trial it raged an anger among the black people with boycotts of white people businesses and products and anti-white campaigns displaying the brutality of white people and their arrogance which created a revolution in history of america for right of the black people.

Emmett tills funeral was held in an open casket to the audience with his mutilated body visible on request of his mother.

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