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By: faizahmed420 | Posted: Jun 03, 2013 | General | 651 Views

Have you ever wonder what is your purpose of life? have you ever thought why are you alive on this earth?have you ever come across a question about why you have been given the life which you are living?

Have you ever had a chat with yourself or with God why he sent you on earth?why he made you the way just you are?what does he wants from us?

well I bet most of you never would have thought the very reason of our existence which we call as the purpose of the life.

for some to pursue their ambition in life is the purpose and for some to enjoy the life,some may be with a mission to change the world through education,politics or writing etc, whereas some may be interested in entertaining the world through music,acting,dancing etc.

But the above mentioned things are worldly,as you know we all are gonna die and with our death all the sunshine,all the glamour,all the charismatic and influential worldly things will come to an end.

so that's all? is that what our precious time is all about? making money,fame,enjoying,ruling,entertaining etc.

And then after death turning into dust inside our graves? is that the reason why we all came out of our mothers womb?a pointless life is what we have which ends with death is that what we possess?

i don't know about you but I think serving your creator(God) is the most essential purpose of life ,that's the reason why we humans have inhabited on this planet generations after generations from thousands of years.

God have fashioned us into a manner that we are in constant need of him and he want's us to fulfill the most important purpose of our existence because all the materialistic things will come to an end when we die,we are indeed mortal and so does every thing that exists.

In the end its only you and God to whom you are answerable

to serve god is my purpose of life my opinion might be disagreed by some and may be questionable by some who do not believe in God..

But if you think there is no purpose of life at all then think about it once again

and if you haven't thought what's the purpose of life yet then I urge you to start thinking.

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