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By: chatpati | Posted: Aug 30, 2018 | General | 707 Views (Updated Aug 30, 2018)

DELHI RAIN: Silly Verse.:-)


That time of the season again

There is excessive rain

Is it boon or bane

Ignorance we must feign


In wading waters, u need a cane

Lest u fall in non-existent drain

Gases abound: methane, ethane

They can lead u to weight gain


Slowly u forget being humane

Saving urself matters, rest is inane

U forget ur friend Jane

U forget ur friend Kane


In car, u cannot maintain lane

Reaching home is concern main

Floating filth, u crave for narceine

Salvation u'd like to obtain


Suddenly u develop mental pain

U forget writing verse or quatrain

By now, u've ankle sprain

U look forward to even toy train


This is no village but a city urbane

Sheltering urself is all in vain

Hours later, water starts to wane

This phenomena is hard to xplain


Slowly u remember Yvain

Even slower u remember Zane

Tags :
delhi, Rain, Poem
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